Never and Always

by Lon Grossman December 7, 2017


The first version of this article, with 45 tips, was published in the January 2005 issue of the Reporter. Twenty-one additions were published in the March 2005 issue of the Reporter. Lon Grossman, ACI AMI (ASHI member #190), and David Birenbaum, PE (ASHI member #205383), wrote the original articles; Lon Grossman submitted this new version, featuring some brand-new tips. 


Assume the dog is friendly.

Stand, sit or squat directly in front of the heating system’s burner waiting to watch it ignite. Always stay to the side.

Put your ladder on a slippery, sloped or uneven surface even though you’re sure it’s safe.

Go on the roof when you “think” the frost has melted.

Go into a crawlspace that has wires lying on the ground and the ground is wet. Duh!

Be looking up the chimney when you open the damper.

Turn on the water in a house where the water is turned off at the shutoff or main valve. Let the real estate agent or client do it because if or when water starts leaking and ruining the ceilings or flooring, you don’t want to be the one held responsible.

Test the TPR valve on a water heater.

Pick at the rusting plumbing pipe to show your client it was caused by a small leak.

Turn on the air conditioning system for testing when the outside temperature is below 65 degrees unless the system is equipped with a crankcase heater.

Release the latch on a double-hung window without being prepared for the upper window to fall down on your hands or fingers.

Get distracted and forget to write something down. Your client won’t remember that you told him or her about the problem unless reminded in the report.

Answer a question with a guess. If you don’t know something, tell the clients you’ll find out and let them know.

Forget to reset the thermostat.

Be rude to a client or a real estate agent.

Park your vehicle on the property you are to inspect if the vehicle leaks oil.

Enter an unlit crawlspace without a backup flashlight.

Rush the inspection or your client. If you’re going to be late for your next appointment, pardon yourself and call that client to let him or her know you are running late.

Keep your cell phone on when you are with a client and inspecting a house.

Enter a house when only the seller’s children are at home. Wait for the real estate agent, the client or both before entering.

Leave a door ajar (or let your client leave a door ajar) unless you are positive there are no dogs or cats in the house that could get out.

Allow your client to start fixing something you found to be defective.

Take a hammer on an inspection. If you need one, you probably shouldn’t do whatever it is you want to do with it.

Lose control of your inspection or
let anyone distract you.

Squat or sit close to a gas fireplace when turning it on. Always stay off to the side.

Operate a whirlpool tub until you fill the tub well above the intake and adjust the jets downward.

Test for a GFCI-protected outlet unless the house is quiet (to prevent a time-consuming and embarrassing “hunt”).

Stand directly under a pull-down staircase when you are lowering it. Always be ready to catch it.

Operate a whole-house fan until you have inspected and left the attic (to prevent inhaling dust).

Leave running water unattended.

Leave your tool bag unattended in a place where children or pets are present.

Leave an open electrical panel.

Let anyone come between you and the electrical panel.

Touch an attic latch with dirty hands.

Provide unprompted opinions on the room finishes and decorating.


Go on the roof to inspect it, but only if it’s safe to do so.

Use your nose to smell the basement when you first get to the top of the stairway, as well as when you go down the stairway.

Always trust your instincts.

Keep your eye on the garage door opener, lift arm and the top of the door as you test the safety reverse mechanism.

Look into the attic and crawlspace for animals and snakes before entering the area.

Touch the back of your hand to the electrical service box cover before grabbing hold of it.

Keep your cell phone with you when you are inspecting a house and no one is accompanying you on the inspection.

Point out to your client any circuit breakers that are in the off position or fuses that are blown before removing the box cover.

Inspect three-way light switches for proper wiring and operation; have your client help you.

Probe and inspect windowsills and wood trim for rot, even (and especially) when it looks freshly painted.

Move items on the kitchen counters to look for concealed burn marks or damage.

Keep in mind that if anything of the homeowners’ that you touch or move breaks, it immediately becomes a priceless heirloom.

Inspect ceilings by holding and shining a flashlight with your arm extended up to and along the ceiling; you will find every leak and patch made since the house was built.

Look carefully for water stains on the sill plates and joists at the top of basement walls. If you see staining, always pull the insulation to the side to investigate.

Get in the habit of putting your tools, jacket and ladder in the same place in every house. That way, you will be less likely to leave or forget something.

Keep a spare flashlight, batteries and bulb in your car or case.

Keep a couple of extra 15 and 20-amp fuses in your car.

Verify that all circuit breakers are in the original setting after you replace the service box cover.

Make a mental note as to move the thermostat is set before you change it.

Wipe your feet, remove your shoes or put
booties on before entering a house.

Dress professionally and be clean.

Remember that your client, not the real estate agent, is the purchaser.

Remember that you are a professional.

Wear coveralls, booties and mask when entering a dirty crawlspace.

Wear a respirator mask when opening up attic scuttles and entering an attic.

Verify that tripped GFCIs have been reset.

Use common sense.

Place a ladder according to the “4-to-1 rule”— for every 4 feet of height, move the ladder 1 foot away from the wall.

Tie off tall ladders at the roof line.

Report on dirty fireplace flues and cracked liners.

Support blinds and shades with your free hand when lifting.

Be habitual when adjusting a thermostat; go up or down in 10-degree
increments; consider putting your keys on the thermostat to force
you to return to it.

Report on washers and nuts absent from foundation anchor bolts.

Check that joists and trusses are properly fastened into metal hangers (the round holes are there for good reason and are many times overlooked).

Check for loose toilets and leaks at the tank connection in addition to the supply line.

Check for plumbing leaks on the lowest level first.

Report on any dry moisture stains.

Bring another pair of shoes; prevent bringing the outside in.

Use your own towel.

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