You Tell Us

When a Chapter Becomes a Family

Tri-State ASHI has been many things to me over the years. First, it was my introduction to a profession that has served me well for almost 30 years. Being part of it has taught me things I would have never known because of members who are willing to share their knowledge, talents and experiences over and over again. Their advice and coaching has made me a better inspector and has helped me save my clients from the turmoil of the unknown and unexpected financial burden. I, too, have shared my experiences to help others in their quest to be better at their profession.

For years I attended meetings and listened and contributed when I saw the need. I gradually stepped up my game to give back a little for all that I’ve received from the chapter. That’s when I began to realize the extreme effort and time put forth by the board. I consider “the board” to include all the members who put forth extra effort to make the chapter work. It takes a lot of work to make a successful organization.
Tri-State ASHI is lucky to have many longtime members, including ASHI past presidents and founding members. The resumes of our members make up a Who’s Who of the inspection and construction industry. These members continue to contribute to the chapter, they regularly attend our
meetings and their voices are always
full of wisdom.

Recently Tri-State ASHI had a great loss in the death of Blaine Illingworth, a good man and a dedicated longtime chapter member. It was a privilege to have Blaine on board. He worked effortlessly on any task at hand. His knowledge of the profession was unsurpassed, and his presence made us a better chapter. He was a go-to man for everyone
in the chapter and a friend to all.
The chapter’s response to Blaine’s passing was overwhelming. We had just seen Blaine at our February chapter meeting; I’m writing this message in March, and he is no longer with us, physically, that is. I know that his spirit will always be with the Tri-State chapter—that is how “big” he was to us. When the chapter heard the sad news, we invited Blaine’s family members to attend our March meeting. We had no idea what to expect or even if they would come.

They did come: A family group, including Blaine’s wife, son and close relatives. Just days after Blaine’s passing, we had an
opportunity to pay our respects. This was the moment when Tri-State ASHI became a real family. As we shared our thoughts and memories about Blaine, we let his family see what it was like for Blaine to
be part of our family. The exchange was unforgettable. It gave what some would call “closure,” but I would call “a new beginning,” in which work plays second fiddle to the importance of life and sharing comfort with those in need.

I am truly proud to be
part of the Tri-State ASHI chapter and the greater ASHI family, for I now realize what it means to be part of something special that extends well beyond
a monthly meeting.

Tri-State chapter members will not forget Blaine and his family. I am sure he will be guiding us in our endeavors to educate and to make family members of all those who take the time to come out to a chapter meeting on a Tuesday night. H

Sincerely, Gerry Gavin
Tri-State ASHI Membership
and Education Chair

On January 23, 2016, retired ASHI Member Jack Fehlandt held his yearly, free home safety class for 13 families who have received Habitat For Humanity homes in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Each family receives a copy of Tom Feiza¹s
(Mr. Fix-It) “How to Operate Your Home – Professional Edition.” They also received 10 pages of informational handouts.

This was our second two-hour Class called “Maintenance II” held in Phoenix for
the Habitat for Humanity home recipients who had already attended the class on January 23. Fourteen people attended and there were a lot of Q&As.

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