Why Join ASHI?

If a person is interested in furthering his or her career—no matter what that career is—joining a professional association is a good start. An association is a synergistic group, meaning that the effect of a collection of people is greater than the effect that just one person can have.
So, all you home inspectors, how exactly can becoming part of a synergistic group help you further your career goals? Because there are so many benefits to being a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), we decided to list several of the highlights in this article.
Enhance Your Network
For most people, creating professional relationships is important, and joining a group of people who all have common skills and interests allows you to have a sense of security and trust. By being a part of this network, we are able to support and help one another as we all reach our professional goals.
ASHI has chapters all across the United States and Canada that meet on a regular basis. Attending chapter meetings allows you to connect with your peers. You can share ideas, ask for advice, volunteer to be a speaker, become a member of a committee and gain continuing education (CE) credits so you can maintain your state license (if your state licenses home inspectors), and keep your national membership up to date.
When you attend local, regional or national conferences such as ASHI’s InspectionWorldTM, you can participate and have the opportunity to learn about breaking news in your career, learn “best practices” and new ideas, hear about changes to your profession and meet and brainstorm with others who are looking to share and learn new information.
Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion boards sponsored by ASHI is another great way to grow your network. This type of participation allows you to use your home inspection peers as sounding boards. It’s also a way to make some great friends who have the same interests as you.
Broaden Your Knowledge
ASHI provides an enormous amount of resource information, such as courses for which you can earn CE credits, technical and marketing and special focus articles of interest to home inspectors, white papers and books (and even book reviews) written by experts in the home inspection field. As part of your ASHI membership, you also receive the top-rated, award-winning ASHI Reporter.
By becoming an ASHI member, you are clearly stating that you want to align yourself with the association that launched the profession of home inspection into the strong position it is in today. Just take a look at a few of our most important professional attributes:
• the ASHI Standard of Practice (used by 37 state licensing boards)
• our Code of Ethics
• our third-party accredited membership examinations that are recognized as the standard for home inspection
ASHI is the unparalleled leader of home inspection associations
If you haven’t joined yet, join now! Contact us at hq@ashi.org to get started. And if you are a member of ASHI already, please share this information as well as your enthusiasm for ASHI with other home inspectors you know who haven’t yet become members of ASHI.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.