New internet site launched for small businesses

Small business owners now have access to legal and regulatory business information at their fingertips through, a new Web site designed to help reduce the burden of complying with laws and regulations, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced.  

“This resource guide was developed with small business owners–our customers–in mind,” said SBA Administrator Hector V. Barreto in unveiling

“Understanding federal, state and local laws and regulations that affect day-to-day operations is critical to small business success. Because it provides interagency and intergovernmental information arranged by subject, will simplify the way government at all levels interacts with small businesses,” the administrator added.

The Web site consolidates and indexes, in one central location, links to credible sources of information on 39 areas of general interest ranging from the most basic topics, such as licenses and permits, to highly specialized topics, such as e-commerce and exporting. The site also offers information specific to each state and territory including sections on “Hiring Employees,” “Paying Taxes” and “Selecting a Location.”

To serve a variety of user preferences, it features interactive tools, searchable frequently asked questions and answers, downloadable forms and publications, electronic regulatory compliance guides and portal capability. takes Web technology to the next level by helping end-users identify and solve their problems. It uses searchable “frequently asked questions” and interactive digital guides–“business wizards”–to lead small business customers to the answers they need at every stage of the business cycle.

For more information about all of the SBA’s programs for small businesses, call the SBA Answer Desk at 1-800-U ASK SBA or TDD 704-344-6640. Also, visit the SBA’s extensive Web site at

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