Join the Club


September 1, 2022

When you become an ASHI Member, you get access to a whole host of benefits—from business development and education to professional support and community.

Roger D. Skaggs has been an inspector for 23 years and is currently president of the Arizona Chapter. Part of Inspect-It 1st Property Inspection of Prescott, Skaggs first became involved with ASHI after attending a chapter class in the fall of 1999.

“I was very impressed with the content. One of the segments at the chapter meeting that was given by Brion Grant and Cole Greenburg (they were practicing) was going to be presented at IW 2000. You might say I was hooked on ASHI after that,” he said.

More Business

Looking back, he said it’s hard to count just how many “golden nuggets” he’s taken from ASHI meetings or colleagues over the years. He learned that networking at chapter meetings is quite effective, and he’s benefitted from 1 to 2 referrals from other ASHI inspectors each month.


“ASHI inspectors will pick up the phone and call someone if there is something we haven’t seen before and can’t find on the internet,” Skaggs said.

Bill Haughery agrees. The Keystone ASHI of South Central Pennsylvania member said a sense of community has taught him many things in his five years as an ASHI member. He joined ASHI as soon as he launched his business and said the connections he’s made are priceless.

“Probably the biggest benefit has been the collective wisdom that experienced inspectors provide each month as we meet,” Haughery said.

For example, through his local chapter, Haughery joined a “texting pod” with three other inspectors. The group texts each other throughout the day when they encounter unfamiliar situations on the job. “If one of us needs help interpreting a defect, we will text a photo and ask the others for help. We usually get responses within minutes that enable us to move forward in our inspection and more accurately define a specific defect. Invaluable wisdom,” he said.


Report writing is another perhaps unexpected benefit, as ASHI Home Inspector Members learn from the best. “My report writing skills have been accentuated with every meeting I attend,” Skaggs said. “I’ve become the best inspector I can be with ASHI’s help. Knock on wood, I’ve been sued only once and refunded the fee three times in 23 years. My complaint ratio is ½ or 1%. I couldn’t have done it without the education that ASHI provides.”

The ASHI name goes far, too. “ASHI National has provided an umbrella organization that brings respect and credibility to my business,” Haughery said. “This is very important.”

May 2022 Inspect A House. Courtesy of Inspect-It 1st Property Inspection of Prescott, Arizona.

Want to Do More?

Join the MRC

The ASHI Membership Relations Committee (MRC), formally established in April 2020, is always looking for volunteers. The MRC has three subcommittees: Membership, Chapter Relations, and Legislative. Each subcommittee has a chair and a number of members.

MRC subcommittees meet regularly to achieve their goals. Ideas to increase the value of ASHI membership may be presented to this group from various sources: the general membership, the ASHI Board or staff, or from within the MRC itself. In 2022, the committee is working to:

  • Build out chapter resources on the website (one new topic a month)
  • Develop a chapter president toolkit, and,
  • Develop a report writing content library.

To volunteer, visit: Call for Committee Volunteers.

To find out more about the MRC, email

Nominate a Colleague for an Award

ASHI award nominations are now open, so nominate a colleague, visit: Awards. The nomination forms are available for Monahon and Cox under awards.

The Philip C. Monahon Award recognizes an ASHI member who has made exceptional and innovative contributions to the ASHI membership. Nominations open Sept. 1, 2022.

The John E. Cox Member of the Year Award recognizes an ASHI member who has made exceptional contributions to an ASHI chapter. Nominations are open now.

The Ironman Award recognizes an ASHI Member who has given time, energy, talent, and determination to ASHI over a long period of time with little recognition.

The President’s Award recognizes an ASHI member for outstanding service to the association.

Become a Mentor

Mentoring is another fulfilling way to get more involved with ASHI.

The ASHI Mentorship Program helps new or less experienced home inspectors get the guidance they need to be exceptional home inspectors by pairing them with experienced home inspectors who volunteer to serve as their mentors.

ASHI Mentors are ASHI-Certified Inspectors or ASHI Retired members looking to share their knowledge and expertise. This is a voluntary program to ensure ASHI Members continue to elevate the profession for future generations. ASHI members who become mentors will earn five CEs for their time each year. They will also receive a digital badge to use to promote their involvement in the ASHI Mentorship Program.

Find out more about mentoring by emailing:

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

Learn More About Membership »

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