Current Issue: 

September 2022

Volunteering: Getting Involved

How stepping up and volunteering benefits you, too

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Home Inspectors

The most popular types of PPE that home inspectors use and experts recommend.

Join the Club

The benefits of being a chapter member.

Working Toward Safer Decks

Deck failure can be catastrophic, ending in injury or even death. And deck inspections are not something to be taken lightly.

Air Conditioning: What You Can’t See

Home inspectors visually inspect and report on residential air conditioning systems. But we don’t get a chance to see several components

Joseph Lstiburek: From Rocket Science to Building Science

Meet building science expert Joseph Lstiburek.

ASHI Staff: Helping People Learn

Michelle Santiago likes helping people. As education manager for the ASHI School, she talks to many people just starting in their careers every day.

Postcards from the Field

To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to: Aaron Dean | Dean’s Home Inspections | Keaau, HI Richard Aiello | I-Spy […]

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