It’s All in the Details: A Closer Look At Your New ASHI Membership Badge

Greetings, ASHI Members! November is a good time to give thanks, so I’d like to thank all the members of ASHI for elevating the profession as a whole. The ASHI Membership Team is very thankful to have the privilege of working with you.
In October, many of you received an email from me regarding the newly redesigned ASHI membership badge. I’m so excited about this new design that I want to outline the updates that were made.
Updates to the ASHI Badge:
- The new badge has a sleek, professional design.
- The logos for ASHI Inspector and ASHI Certified Inspector are made of metallic foil, which makes them “pop” and shine.
- Your name, ASHI member number and membership expiration date are listed on the front of the card, making that information visible to your clients.
- There is no picture on the badge, so there is no need for you to provide a picture of yourself. This change also makes the badges “selfie-free.”
- The ASHI Mission Statement is stated on the back of the badge for easy reference.
Background Verified Inspector (BVI) Program
- If you are a member who has successfully completed the Background Verified Inspector (BVI) Program, you also have access to use the BVI logo on your badge and marketing materials. We enhanced the BVI logo to be embossed silver with a holographic sheen. This redesigned logo will be added to all badges of ASHI members’ badges who are in the BVI program.
- If you are not yet designated as a BVI, you can apply for this status by going to the ASHI website. Under the heading Members-Only, select My Membership and you will see a link to Background Verified Inspector (BVI). Once you complete the application and receive the BVI status, you may use the BVI logo for two years before renewing it.
We are excited about these design changes to the ASHI Membership Badges and we hope that the new design appeals to you as well. You will receive a new badge the next time you renew your ASHI membership.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact the ASHI Membership Team at or via phone at 847-759-2820.
Once again, thank you to each and every ASHI Member!
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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