Everyone Is Welcome in the CoR —Join Us!

Happy 4th of July to all who toil in the soil and elsewhere!
And if you are Down Maine, have some lobstah for me, somethin around 2½ lbs be nice, with fried clam appetizer. More than once, I have celebrated with the Maineacs…good folks.
My current life in a small town in the Piedmont region of North Carolina brings other traditions. The local breakfast place is the “must be seen” location. Folks get to know you after you eat there 100 times or so. After that is when they will tell you, “You aren’t from around here, are you?” For me, the giveaway is that I don’t drink sweet tea. Knowing this comment is coming, I reply, “Yes, sir, I live down there by Blacksmith farm and go to the brick church on the corner come Sunday.” “Sir” and “ma’am” are requirements—forget to use those words and you will forever be under a cloud. The combination of knowing these tidbits of information and being seen with church folks usually gets me a nod when entering the restaurant.
As Speaker of the Council of Representatives (CoR), I am a firm believer in inclusion for all. I was brought up that way. I work, we all work. I eat, we all eat. And so on. I am not my brother’s keeper, but I will help folks keep it together and not on a hook.
You might not know that all of the CoR meetings are open, and a warm extended hand is waiting for any and all new members. You will find that the person sitting next to you could have 30 years of experience or maybe just one year. There’s room for everyone.
You can make friends, create associations and form allegiances that will last longer than your career as a professional home inspector. By attending a CoR gathering, you will likely learn more about the profession than in any other setting and you’ll hear about the lessons that experience has taught your fellow home inspectors. Breaking bread with members of the CoR frequently fills the stomach and the mind at the same time.
CoR members are not wilting daisies—they are alpha types who become excited presenting their opinions or interpretations of facts. They are used to being heard and appreciated. Dialogues include many voices, opinions and tones. Dialogue helps to build consensus and consensus leads to ideas and, ultimately, motions at ASHI Board meetings.
CoR members are curious investigators who will turn over rocks, cars, boats and events until they are satisfied with the results. And they are not so shy about pointing out the defects.
Join us!
Donald Lovering is the Speaker of the ASHI Council of Representatives for 2019-2020. Email him at stonehouse1@earthlink.net.
Don Lovering joined ASHI in 1990. He has progressively narrowed his work life into disaster recovery projects in the Carribean islands, building modifications for critically injured veterans and expert witness cases. When he is not involved with these matters and ASHI, he enjoys being outside hunting and fishing. Contact him at 704-443-0110 or email stonehouse1@earthlink.net
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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