- The purpose of these Standards of Professional Practice (Standards) is to establish a standard for inspectors who voluntarily use these Standards when performing residential predrywall inspections during construction of new residential structures and remodeling of existing residential structures.
- Inspections performed in conformity with these Standards:
- Provide the client with additional objective information about the condition of inspected components at the time of the inspection;
- Are conducted by a construction generalist, not by a technical specialist;
- Are general and do not include or confirm conformity with:
- Building codes and other governmental laws and regulations,
- Manufacturer’s installation instructions,
- Construction plans, drawings, and specifications;
- Do not provide a warranty or guarantee regarding the condition of the property and of the inspected components.
- These Standards do not limit inspectors from:
- Including other services or components in addition to those designated in these Standards;
- Excluding components from the inspection if requested by the client.
- Inspectors who perform inspections in conformity with these Standards shall adhere to the ASHI® Code of Ethics For the Home Inspection Profession.
- These Standards apply only to one and two-family residential structures, to townhouses, and to associated garages and carports.
- Inspections performed in conformity with these Standards should occur after the following components have been installed:
- Foundation components,
- Floor, wall, and roof structural components,
- Plumbing, electrical, and rough-in components,
- Windows and exterior doors.
- Inspections performed in conformity with these Standards may occur at a time other than that described in 2.1 if agreed to by the client.
- Client shall schedule the inspection with the builder or other property owner and shall obtain permission for the inspector to enter to the property. Inspectors are not required to inspect or report the condition of components that are not installed, visually observable, or that are not readily accessible.
- Inspectors shall inspect readily accessible, visually observable, installed components designated in these Standards.
- Inspectors shall issue a written report that:
- Identifies components that, in the professional judgment of the inspector, are significantly deficient;
- Provides the reasoning or explanation as to the nature of the deficiencies reported in 3.2.A, that are not self-evident;
- Recommends correction, further evaluation, or monitoring of components identified in 3.2.A
- Identifies components designated for inspection in these Standards that were present during the inspection but were not inspected and the reason(s) why they were not inspected.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Footings, pier pads, and similar components,
- Foundation walls,
- Fasteners, straps, bolts, and similar components,
- Structural columns,
- Concrete foundation slabs,
- Waterproofing and/or dampproofing,
- Foundation drains,
- Under-floor crawl spaces,
- Retaining walls that are likely to adversely affect the building;
- Describe:
- Foundation(s),
- Under-floor crawl space ventilation method(s),
- Under-floor crawl space inspection method(s).
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Measure the foundation or to determine whether it is plumb, square, or properly located on the property;
- Determine how water will flow on the property;
- Determine whether the property or structure is in a flood hazard area;
- Determine the structural integrity of any component.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Floor joists, trusses, sill and sole plates, and similar components,
- Bridging, blocking, rim and band material, web stiffeners, filler and backer blocks, and similar components,
- Beams, girders, and similar components,
- Opening(s) in the floor system,
- Floor sheathing,
- Fasteners, straps, bolts, hangers, and similar components,
- Draftstops;
- Describe:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to determine the structural integrity of any component.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Vertical and horizontal structural components,
- Beams, headers, and similar components,
- Fasteners, straps, bolts, and similar components,
- Permanent wall bracing,
- Vertical load paths,
- Fireblocking;
- Describe vertical wall structural components.
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Inspect fire separation distances or components between detached buildings;
- Determine the structural integrity of any component.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Ceiling joists, rafters, trusses, and similar components,
- Rafter ties, collar ties, bridging and lateral support members, purlins, web stiffeners, and similar components,
- Ridge boards, hip and valley rafters, beams, and similar components,
- Opening(s) and penetration(s) in the roof system such as dormers,
- Roof sheathing,
- Fasteners, straps, bolts, hangers, and similar components,
- Attic access openings,
- Attic ventilation;
- Describe:
- Roof structural components,
- Roof sheathing,
- Attic ventilation method(s).
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to determine the structural integrity of any component.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Roof covering materials and underlayment,
- Sidewall, valley, and penetration flashing,
- Skylights, exterior of chimneys, and other roof penetrations;
- Describe:
- Roof covering material(s),
- Roof inspection method(s).
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Walk on roofs;
- Inspect roofs and other components from other than at ground level.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- HVAC components,
- Distribution ducts, distribution pipes, and similar components,
- For the presence of a heating and cooling source in habitable rooms,
- Condensate disposal components,
- Access to HVAC equipment,
- Vents, flues, and similar components,
- Clearance between vents, flues, and similar components and air intake openings,
- Equipment elevation, anchoring, and protection,
- Clearances to combustible materials.
- Describe:
- HVAC equipment energy source(s),
- HVAC equipment.
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Calculate or determine the size or adequacy of HVAC equipment and of distribution components;
- Test HVAC equipment and distribution components for leaks;
- Inspect solar, geothermal, wind, and other alternative energy systems;
- Calculate or determine the size or adequacy of vents, flues, and similar components;
- Calculate ventilation requirements or to determine the adequacy of ventilation components.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Interior water supply distribution components,
- Interior drain, waste, and vent (DWV) components,
- Supports and insulation for interior water supply and DWV components,
- Fuel storage and fuel distribution components, including supports,
- Vents, flues, and similar components, including clearance to combustible materials,
- Clearance between plumbing vents, fuel-burning equipment vents, flues, and similar components and air intake openings,
- Backwater valves.
- Describe:
- Interior water supply distribution material(s),
- Interior DWV material(s),
- Interior fuel storage equipment and distribution material(s),
- Energy source for domestic hot water,
- The presence of fire suppression systems.
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- 10.2 Inspectors are not required to calculate or determine:
- The size and adequacy of water supply, DWV, and fuel distribution pipes,
- The size and adequacy of vents, flues, and similar components,
- Whether water supply and waste disposal systems are public or private,
- Water supply quality and quantity,
- Functionality of private waste disposal systems.
- Inspectors are not required to inspect:
- Private water storage and supply systems,
- Private waste disposal systems,
- Solar, geothermal, wind, and other alternative energy systems,
- Fire suppression systems,
- Landscape irrigation systems.
- Inspectors are not required to test water supply, DWV, and fuel distribution components, waste receptors, and fixtures for leaks.
- Inspectors shall:
- inspect:
- The visible parts of the service drop, mast, and related components,
- The visible parts of the service lateral,
- The visible parts of service entrance conductors, cables, and raceways,
- The visible parts of the service equipment,
- The visible parts of grounding electrode(s) and grounding electrode conductor(s),
- The visible parts of the panelboard(s), cabinet(s), and related components,
- The visible parts of the branch circuit and feeder conductors, and raceways,
- The visible parts of the bonding connections,
- For the presence of switch boxes at stairways,
- For the presence of lighting boxes at stairways, kitchens bathrooms, hallways, closets, basements, attics, crawl spaces, HVAC equipment, and exterior doors.
- Describe:
- Amperage and voltage rating of the service equipment,
- Amperage and voltage rating of secondary panels,
- Location of service equipment and of secondary panels.
- inspect:
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Calculate or determine service, feeder, and branch circuit load;
- Calculate or determine conductor size;
- Determine if branch circuits are correctly installed between panelboards and points of control or use (boxes) and between points of control or use;
- Inspect audio, video, data, telephone, signaling, structured wiring, low voltage, and similar components that are not part of the primary electrical power distribution system;
- Inspect any components and circuits that serve or are related to swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs;
- Inspect solar, geothermal, wind, and other alternative energy systems.
- Inspectors shall inspect the visible parts of:
- Physical attachment to the structure,
- Flashing,
- Escape openings, window wells, the egress door, and door landings.
- Inspectors are not required to determine the presence, absence, and orientation of low emissivity coatings.
- Inspectors shall inspect the visible parts of:
- Flashing and drainage components,
- Fastener type and placement,
- Horizontal support components such as lintels,
- Vertical support components such as wall ties.
- Inspectors are not required to determine whether proposed or installed horizontal support components are structurally adequate to support imposed loads.
- Inspectors shall inspect the visible parts of:
- Stairways, including width, headroom, treads, risers, and guard walls,
- Light and ventilation source(s) in habitable rooms,
- Ceiling height in habitable rooms, bathrooms, hallways, and basements,
- Width of hallways,
- Clothes dryer, kitchen, and bathroom exhaust components.
- Inspectors shall:
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Fireplace and chimney components,
- Decorative gas appliances, vents, and related components,
- Clearances between components and combustible materials;
- Inspect the visible parts of:
- Describe:
- Fireplace(s) and chimney(s), and
- Decorative gas appliances(s).
- General Limitations
- Inspectors are not required to perform any action or to make any determination not specifically required in these Standards.
- Inspections performed in conformity with these Standards are not:
- Numerically complete,
- Required to identify or to report concealed conditions, latent defects, consequential damages, and cosmetic issues.
- General Exclusions
- Inspectors are not required to determine:
- Condition of components that are not installed or that are not visible and readily accessible,
- Strength, adequacy, effectiveness, or efficiency, of any component, including structural components,
- Whether construction plans, drawings, and specifications are complete, correct, internally consistent, or in conformity with manufacturer’s installation instructions,
- Whether or not selections and optional features have been installed,
- Methods, materials, or costs of corrections,
- Future conditions including, but not limited to, component failure and the life expectancy of components,
- The suitability of the property for any specialized use,
- Market value of the property or its marketability,
- The advisability of purchase of the property,
- The presence or absence of potentially hazardous plants and animals including, but not limited to, wood destroying organisms and diseases harmful to humans including molds and mold-like substances,
- The presence or absence of any environmental hazards including, but not limited to, allergens, toxins, carcinogens, electromagnetic radiation, noise, radioactive substances, and contaminants in soil, water, and air,
- The adequacy or effectiveness of any system installed or method used to control or remove hazardous substances and conditions,
- Operating costs of components,
- Acoustical properties of any component,
- Soil conditions relating to geotechnical or hydrologic specialties, and
- Whether any item, material, condition or component is subject to recall, controversy, litigation, product liability or other adverse claim or condition.
- Inspectors are not required to:
- Perform any act or service contrary to law or regulation;
- Perform architectural, engineering, or surveying services or to confirm or evaluate such services performed by others;
- Perform any trade or any professional service other than as required in these Standards;
- Offer or provide warranties or guarantees of any kind;
- Inspect components in areas not entered in conformity with 16.2.C;
- Perform any procedure or operation or to enter any area that may, in the opinion of the inspector, be dangerous to the inspector or to other persons or that may cause damage to the property or to components;
- Describe or report on any component that is not designated in these Standards and that was not inspected;
- Move personal property, construction materials and equipment, temporary construction components, plants, soil, snow, ice, or debris;
- Dismantle any component;
- Inspect or evaluate the maintenance and operation of the construction site including compliance with safety procedures and regulations;
- Determine causes of or reasons for the condition of components identified in 3.2.A.
- Inspectors are not required to enter:
- Under-floor crawl spaces and attics that are not readily accessible;
- Areas that are restricted by the builder, trade contractors, or property owner.
- Inspectors are not required to inspect:
- Or to confirm conformity with energy efficiency requirements including, but not limited to, air infiltration and air sealing, ventilation, insulation amount and installation, radiant barriers, and HVAC equipment efficiency;
- Component interiors that are not readily accessible.
- Inspectors are not required to determine:
Client— A person who hires an inspector to perform an inspection in conformity with these Standards.
Component— A primary part of a functionally related group that works together as a system, not including ancillary parts that do not contribute to the intended function of the system.
Cosmetic issues— Defects that are superficial and that do not affect a component’s ability to function properly
Describe— To identify (in writing) a component, system, or method by its type or by other distinguishing characteristics.
Further evaluation— Examination and analysis by a qualified professional, tradesman, or service technician using techniques and/or expertise that are beyond the scope of inspections performed in conformity with these Standards.
Habitable rooms— Living, sleeping, eating and cooking rooms; not including bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, storage, and utility rooms.
Inspect— To visually examine components in conformity with these Standards.
Inspector— A person who a client hires to inspect a structure in conformity with these Standards.
Installed— A component that is connected or set in position and prepared for use
Internally consistent— Measurements, specifications, and requirements are identical on all pages of a multi-page document.
Numerically complete— An inspection that inspects every individual occurrence of a component.
Readily accessible— A component that is located in an area where the builder or property owner grants access, and where access will not involve risk to persons or property, and that is visible without (1) moving matter of any kind, and (2) using tools, and (3) using a ladder taller than twelve feet.
Technical specialist— A person who, because of training, education, and experience, has expertise in a specific trade or profession that is beyond that of an inspector, and who might, because of this expertise, or by the use of specialized tools, instruments, measurements, testing, calculations, or other means discover issues not discovered by an inspector.
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Auxiliary Standards
ASHI’s Predrywall Standard
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ASHI’s Residential Pool & Spa Standard
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ASHI’s Residential Deck Inspection Standard
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ASHI’s Radon Mitigation Standard
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