Current Issue: 

May 2024

6 Steps to Start a Home Inspection Business

What does it take to start a home inspection business? Lots of learning, research, dedication, and a plan to set you up for success. This will prepare you for the mountain of decisions that come with getting a new home inspection business up and running. As a result, you will be able to create solid risk management practices that carry you throughout the course of your career.

More Exciting News

I want to talk to you about InspectPAC and report about InspectionWorld on the Road—ASHI’s effort to bring InspectionWorld closer to home. I would also like to report that the first of four InspectionWorld on the Road events was successful.

Leading by Example

Kathleen Austin Kuhn has a long family history in home inspections. Her father, Ken Austin, is a Charter Member of ASHI, and in the mid-’80s she opened her own home inspection business shortly after college. Her husband joined the business several years later and continues to do inspections, while her youngest son is also a home inspector. 

Handling Complaints

A few months later I received a complaint email. The email was short and direct. I suspect I get one such complaint every year (I have been doing this for almost nine years now), and only once has someone threatened to take me to court (after she talked to her lawyer and reread my pre-inspection agreement she dropped that line of thinking).

Building Strong Foundations

This issue we wanted to follow up about the ASHI Foundation, or AFI, and how you, too, can help.

Carrying the Torch

Sean Troxell’s positive energy is infectious. You can almost see him answering the phone with a smile. Troxell recently won ASHI’s Ironman Award—an annual accolade given to an ASHI Member who has given time, energy, talent, and determination to ASHI over a long period and with little recognition.

Understanding Condensate

Over my 21-year career of inspecting homes, condensate is one of the most frequently reported items in my inspection reports. I find it’s done wrong more than 75% of the time in one fashion or another. I am convinced it’s because people don’t consider condensate to be something that can lead to a larger issue—and that could not be farther from the truth.

Postcards from the Field

To submit your postcard, please send your name, city, state, high-resolution photos, headings and captions to:

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