Current Issue:
May 2022

Why Deck Safety Should be Top of Mind
With more than 50 million residential decks in the US, it is estimated that 30 million decks are past their useful life and need to be replaced or repaired, according to the North American Deck and Railing Association (NADRA). A significant percentage of decks are missing key components, are poorly constructed, lack proper maintenance, and have significant safety issues.

Infrared Cameras: Redefining the Visual Home Inspection
For the past two decades, home inspectors have been inspecting using thermal imaging. By examining the heat given off by various property systems and components, many inspectors have discovered roof leaks, electrical issues, structural defects, and insulation anomalies.

Metal Flue Pipe Holes
Holes in metal flue pipes that extend from gas appliances can create a hazard. They may also indicate significant home performance issues.

An Inspector’s Experience with Technical Report Writing
Suppose you have the passion to excel in the profession of home inspection. In that case, the only way to express your professionalism and competence is by learning how to craft first-class inspection reports. If you cannot communicate to your clients, homeowners, builders, repair contractors, attorneys, agents, and so forth what you’ve observed, what you think, and why you think it, you can never become a competent inspector.

Subtle Ways to Impress on A Home Inspection
It’s amazing what we get complimented on during a home inspection. We go to great lengths to improve our process, and in many cases things go unnoticed. I thought it would be fun to write an article on some small steps I do that do get noticed. Anyone using a telescoping ladder can probably relate to this phenomenon, as almost every time you bring it out, people are amazed. “That’s an amazing ladder; how cool,” is a phrase I have heard many times just using my everyday ladder.

Harry Morrell on His Journey Through ASHI and the Keys to Great Business
Harry Morrell was a teenager when he got started in the building and construction industry. “My first job in construction was as a roofer. I lied about my age when I was in high school and got onto one of the biggest roofing companies in Miami, Florida at the time,” he said. “I just loved construction.”

What’s Happening in ASHI Edge?
ASHI Edge has been live for a few months, and it’s been inspiring to see so many ASHI members taking advantage of the new education platform. We are constantly adding new courses, so if you haven’t taken one yet, check it out today on the ASHI Edge.
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