Current Issue:
August 2022

The Challenges of Stone Veneer
Stone siding is failing left and right all over the country, and most of the time the homeowner has no idea when their wall is a rotted mess behind the siding.

Radon Monitors: Selecting the Right Device to Safeguard Your Clients
When looking for new technologies to invest in to provide additional services to your clients, deciding between the many options can be tough. You may consider what’s popular in the industry.

Bath Fan Venting Issues
Bath fans are essential to a properly functioning home. Fans capture excessive moisture and exhaust it to the outside. This helps prevent condensation and mold that can damage the home’s structure.

Kitchen Sink: Why the Extra Faucet?
As a home inspector, from time to time you may come across a kitchen sink that has a third faucet in addition to the regular hot and cold faucet.

Using Your Senses for Better Home Inspections
ASHI-Certified Home Inspector Michael G. Bryan (Inspection Services of Central Virginia) is among this year’s exciting speakers at InspectionWorld 2023.

Electrical Codes: Be On the Lookout
When it comes to electrical safety, home inspectors have a lot to keep in mind.

Postcards from the Field
To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to: postcards@ashi.org James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | Boston, MA Joseph Wrubel | Wrubel […]

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