Current Issue:
April 2023

Starting Your Career
Starting a home inspection business is a venture into unknown territory for many new inspectors. Along the way, many decisions forge the path to a rewarding full-time career or successful […]

Insurance Deductible Explained
Two home inspectors receive claims for unidentified water intrusion. Both are at fault. And yet, one home inspector pays $1,500 to resolve the issue while another pays $5,000. The difference […]

The Value of Hourly Radon Readings
In early 1992, the EPA requested their Science Advisory Board (SAB) to review the scientific basis of the real estate testing options proposed in the original draft of Homebuyer’s and […]

Communicating in the Field
Alex Steinberg has always been a teacher, whether in the classroom or the home inspection field.

Next Level: A closer look at the tiers of ASHI membership...
Did you know there are many ways to be an ASHI member? While the highest level of ASHI membership is the ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI), all home inspectors who join […]

Postcards from the Field
To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to: postcards@ashi.org Patty Maples | Mirowski Inspections | Springfield, MO James Brock | Boston Home […]

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