Inspection World On the Road

Registration is open for the St. Louis InspectionWorld on the Road, this September.

April 16, 2024

Leaders in the industry make final preparations for the St. Louis InspectionWorld on the Road events this September.

The 2024 conference officially runs from Friday, Sept. 20 through the evening of Saturday, Sept. 21.

Nationally renowned educators, subject matter experts, home inspection professionals, and vendors will gather as part of the major 2024 event, where anyone and everyone is invited to attend to learn and network with inspectors from across the country.

    Conference presenters and speakers include:

  • Mark Parlee, Building Consultant,
    Inspecting the Exterior Envelope
  • John Ceaser, CSIA, Chimney Inspections
  • David Goldstein, ACI, Advanced HVAC
  • Don Iverson, Schneider Electric,
    QO Plug-on Neutral Panel Recall
    along with Residential Code Requirements
  • Luke Randall, Spartan RamJack,
    Foundation Issues & Repairs Case Studies
  • Brianne Smith, InspectorPro

For those interested, pre- and post-conference events are also planned:

  • PRE-CONFERENCE: Infrared Moisture Detection (8 hours by Monroe Infrared)
  • POST-CONFERENCE: Peer Review (aka the “best hands-on workshop training you can attend,” according to ASHI leaders)

On Saturday, ASHI President Mark Goodman will deliver a keynote. “The St. Louis Inspection World on the Road is a great opportunity for ASHI Inspectors and others to build on the camaraderie of the live in-person event, where you can network, build relationships, get CE approved education, and have in-person discussions with those that provide services and products to enhance your business,” Goodman said.

Attendees of this special On the Road programming will also benefit from a variety of experts exhibiting at the event. In addition to ASHI, conference exhibitors include Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI), InspectorPro Insurance, Waterproof Solutions, Stratum Structural, Safe Flame, Sewer Pros, and so many more.

Keep checking for the latest updates.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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In this Issue

Behind the Scenes

ASHI held its 48th annual meeting at the ASHI Virtual Summit on Friday, February 9. We were excited to have nearly 200 attendees in attendance for the second AVS. I want to update the membership briefly on what was presented for those who couldn’t make it.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Job as a Home Inspector

In last month’s article, we explored four sets of cons and pros of choosing a new inspection career. In this second part of our pros and cons series, we’ll weigh four more things to consider when choosing a job as a new home inspector.

Where Did the Volunteers Go?

There is much to learn by watching trend lines. Chapters are shrinking. The average age of ASHI members is increasing. Volunteers are less prevalent. What’s going on? It seems to me that we are experiencing a change of attitude and expectation.

In This Together

Atwell, who won ASHI’s 2023 Monahan Award, has been working since July 2022 to help pass legislation in Massachusetts to help protect home inspectors and homebuyers with the right to have a home inspection.

The ASHI Foundation

The ASHI Foundation’s formal mission statement is “to help those in need through giving and education.” We also strive to have a positive impact on the communities where we hold our IW on the Road events.

Postcards from the Field

To submit your postcard, please send your name, city, state, high-resolution photos, headings and captions to:

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Professional Networking

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