Current Issue:
September 2023

PFAs in Drinking Water
While tracking state legislation with respect to statutes and rules that could impact our role as home inspectors, we have become aware of more and more legislative proposals with respect […]

Crime Insurance Coverage
In this article, we talk about a little known and inexpensive type of insurance that could be a lifesaver for your multi-inspector firm: commercial crime coverage.

Marketing Minute: Unveiling the Secrets
The ever-evolving nature of social media algorithms can be overwhelming for a small business owner. Understanding and working with these algorithms effectively ensures your marketing efforts yield maximum results.

Code Conundrums Continued
While code interpretations and commenting on building codes are beyond the purview of the home inspector during an inspection, there are many instances where some background knowledge of the codes can be helpful.

Homeowner Wiring
As a home inspector, I found that some homeowners did a lot of wiring in houses as a way to save money.

Postcards from the Field
To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to: postcards@ashi.org Matthew Steger | WIN Home Inspection | Lancaster, PA Doron Bracha | Accent […]

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