Current Issue: 

May 2023

Check the Deck

The importance of regular and continued deck inspections.

Managing Risk: Processing Insurance Claims

Seven common insurance claims handling questions and their answers.

4 Tips for Respecting Copyrights

Creating quality marketing materials without copyrighted materials is possible; here are some tips to help you get started.

Leading the Industry

An ASHI Certified Inspector looks back over nearly 50 years in the field.

Dealing with Stress

Advice from a fellow home inspector.

Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors Study

The Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI) has been responsible for the National Home Inspection Exam (NHIE) in the United States and Canada since 1999.

Postcards from the Field

To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to: Abe Kurek | Home Inspection Services | New City, NY Ross Kennedy | […]

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