Current Issue: 

July 2024

Celebrating ASHI Staff

The ASHI 2023 President’s Staff Award had two deserving recipients this year— Edwin Barrera and Alicia McCray.

Checking In

It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through 2024. This year has been one to remember, and there’s still more on the way.

How Do Home Inspectors Find Work?

When navigating how to get work as a home inspector, sometimes the simplest methods generate the best home inspection leads.

Exploring the Lungs of the Home

With all of the recent buzz around indoor air quality issues, let’s talk about what we refer to as the lungs of the home—the HVAC system.

What’s Your Difference?

Have you thought about what makes you appreciably different from other home inspectors? If you haven’t, you’re not alone.

Postcards from the Field

To submit your postcard, please send your name, city, state, high-resolution photos, headings and captions to:

Healthy Cooling Systems

I once compared conditions in 300 randomly selected homes I inspected as a home inspector to 600 “sick homes” I inspected as an indoor-air-quality professional; these were houses where occupants were suffering from asthma and/or allergy symptoms.

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