Current Issue:
February 2022

What You Don’t Know About Smart Homes
In 1962, The Jetsons aired as a comical view of the future with their smart home. In 1966 Americans first viewed Star Trek; most of its tech has since become a reality. Since then many TV series and major movie productions have featured futuristic homes, including Tony Stark’s mansion in Iron Man and the smart home in I.T. (2016)

Crawl Bots for Home Inspectors: Are They Worth the Investment?
Crawl spaces aren’t exactly the highlight of a home inspector’s day. Stuffy, cramped, and poorly lit, these areas present a significant challenge. In fact, with some inspectors reporting hazards such as animals, exposed wiring, and toxins like mold and sewage, crawl spaces can be more than uncomfortable. They can be dangerous.

A Letter From the New President
Looking back at my journey to become ASHI President, I can only say—Wow! It seems like only yesterday that I took the leap to be a home inspector.
I remember very well the day when one of my mentors threatened to give me a swift kick and said, “You need to start booking your own inspections.
You know this stuff!” At the time I could only think, “Who, me? You have to
be kidding. I’m too new to the world of home inspections.”

A Brief History of Pipes
Plumbing systems are certainly an important part of home inspections. Have you ever considered how plumbing and water supply systems were developed? Knowing about these changes through the years sheds light on some terms and practices still used today.

ASHI Edge: A New Era of Education
In December 2021, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) launched its all-new online education platform: the ASHI Edge. The momentous endeavor was headed by ASHI’s Director of Education Edwin Barrera and his skillful team in the education department.

ASHI Thanks Our Affiliates!
The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to our 2021-2022 Affiliate Members for their continued support and the positive impact they provide the ASHI community!

Recognizing Our IW 2022 Exhibitors
ASHI was looking forward to returning to an in-person conference in 2022. Unfortunately, with the onset of the new Omicron variant coupled with the ongoing Delta variant, ASHI was forced to cancel the in-person conference, InspectionWorld 2022, January 16-19, 2022, in Orlando.

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