Your Information Package

by Alan Carson January 1, 2016

When you meet people who might
refer business to you, it helps to have an information package about your business that you can give to them.

Providing something tangible, professional and valuable to the recipient will make you stand out in today’s web-driven world. An information package can include your brochure or take the place of a brochure.

Key Components of an
Information Package

  • Company prospectus: A brief story about you and the company, the prospectus may include your certifications and professional memberships. Typically, it describes the services you offer and it may provide some background about the company and its owners. For example, you can explain what brought you to the profession, what drives you and what you are passionate about.
  • Benefits of working with your company: Build this message by stating what
    differentiates you from the rest.
  • Sample newsletters, blogs or articles: If you have a newsletter or blog, or if you have published articles for any websites or publications, include them in the package. It’s best if the copy you provide looks like the website or publication.
  • Testimonials: Include one or two testimonials (see more information on this topic later in the article).
  • A few business cards (because there are lots of old-school people out there).
  • A brochure, if you have one: Arguably, the brochure is a timeless marketing piece.
  • Sample inspection report (especially if your reports are something to be proud of).
  • Useful information or advice: Include answers to common questions or provide solutions to everyday problems. You also might include contact information for local services, general life cycles and costs for home repairs and improvements or a list of associations that may be of interest.
  • A handwritten cover note: A personalized message creates a strong impression.
  • Benefits of an Information Package
    An information package can deliver professional results on a limited budget. You can write or assemble relevant pieces and have the package printed and bound at a copy shop. Or you can contain the materials in folders—this strategy allows you to customize the information package as needed.

    Giving someone your information package makes a good impression and gives you a reason to follow up with the person. For example, you can ask: Did you receive it? Do you have any questions? Is there anything else I can do to help? We often give the person a sample inspection report, which we consider to be one of our strongest differentiators, separately from the information package. If you have something that is exceptional, let it stand alone.

    Let the Other Person Lead—
    Ask Questions

    Although a well-presented information package is an effective tool, your approach and presentation can make or break the relationship. Rather than simply leading with the package, you should engage the person by asking questions and then letting them lead the conversation. Once you have established rapport, your marketing materials will be more effective. This is especially true if you can point out items in the package that address comments or questions that came
    up in your conversation.

    Testimonials are powerful, but they need to be sincere. You always know when people are impressed with your services and it is okay to ask for a positive comment on social media or in a note or email. We use an automated survey tool that reaches out to clients in a professional and simple way by asking a single question. The tool
    collects the testimonials and posts them on our site.

    Some additional tips for testimonials:

    • Write the letter yourself: Most people find it difficult to write a letter. Often, they are relieved if you offer to help write it for them and have them review and sign it. If they choose to edit it, that’s great.
    • Use excerpts: Most testimonials have one or two powerful phrases or sound bites. Capture those and use them in multiple marketing messages.
    • Video testimonials: Video testimonials are very effective and easy to produce with today’s technology. Chat with the person on camera first to get them to relax and forget that the camera is there. Again, you don’t need to use the whole thing, just the best sound bites. You can display the speaker’s name across the bottom of the screen to add credibility.

    Information Package Format
    Your information package can be a paper presentation, or you can present it in a more tech-savvy way, such as by providing a memory stick. Some of the best information packages include both paper and technology.

    Most people find it difficult to take the time, devote the energy and make the effort required to produce professional, effective marketing pieces. This is an opportunity for you. Keep in mind that a one-time effort pays long-term dividends. Also, if you want to stand out, this is not the place to skimp on costs. When it comes to developing creative and compelling materials, a design professional can be a great asset. However, you don’t want to hand off your materials to the designer and hope for the best. Top-quality results come when you collaborate with the designer. Remember, no one knows your business better than you do.

    We hope this information helps you put your best foot forward, every time.

    Thanks to Kevin O’Hornett and Roger
    Hankey for some very helpful input for this article.

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