Your ASHI: Thoughts on InspectionWorld 2015

by David Haught February 1, 2015

January 11, 2015

Greetings to All and Congratulations,

I just arrived home from an eight-and-a half-hour drive. I enjoy those long drives as a time to reflect and think. Just one year ago while returning from Nashville I personally had grave concerns that Philadelphia would be like the poorly attended New Orleans IW after the destructive hurricane Katrina. I had a wonderful time and enjoyed learning from all of the great presenters. 

In an organizations as large as ours you will always have “you should have done” comments. But most of those members were not willing to roll up their sleeves and work nine months ago. And of course the biggest critics are now climbing on the “bandwagon” wanting to take credit. I just want to commend you and your committee on a successful IW and we know who rightfully deserves the credit. Rather than complain and accept defeat you worked to make the 2015 one of the best ever! 

I am looking forward to San Diego, with the location and a warm weather destination, the sky is the limit! While I will admit by December the Rocky music on hold sounded a bit tattered, I can’t wait to hear California Dreaming or my favorite, Hotel California (by the EAGLES) this year. 

David Haught, ACI, MIES, EP 

Frank, I whole heartedly agree with Dave’s comments. IW Philly was certainly an exceptional conference. Kudos to all who contributed and made it happen. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful event! 

Kevin Westendorff, ACI
Lowcountry Home Inspection, Inc. 

NORTHERN ILLINOIS CHAPTER of The American Society of Home Inspectors presented Kim McGraw from The Mission Continues a check to help veterans in community developments.Presenting the check is Jeremy Meek Treasurer NICASHI and Steve Reilly, President NICASHI. To learn more about Mission Continues NICASHI donates annually to different veterans organizations. 

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