Your ASHI – Board Report

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2013


Report Out from the October19, 2013, ASHI Board of Directors Meeting

This is a report to the ASHI membership of the actions taken during the meeting. It is not the official minutes as discussion items and withdrawn or failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting on January 14, 2014, in Nashville, Tennesse.

The Following Motions Were Passed:

• Motion was made and seconded to change the title of Frank Lesh from Interim Executive Director to Executive Director for the duration of his contract. PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded to direct staff to move forward to develop a unified logo approach to be approved by the ASHI Board at a later time. PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded that the board adopt the emergency succession plan for the Executive Director and place it in the Policy & Procedures Manual in the proper
location. PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded to accept the changes to the Standard of Practice
according to Sections 10.1A and B of the policy and Procedures Manual with the removal of changes to the definition of “Inspect” deleting the last clause number (4). PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded that the ASHI Board authorizes the establishment of an independent, nonprofit corporation for the purpose of forming an industry coalition to challenge the validity of the infrared related HomeSafe Patents and related patents that may be owned by their successors. ASHI will support this corporation with a cash
investment of $5,000. Additionally, ASHI will assist the independent-nonprofit
corporation by promotion to ASHI members, vendors and the industry at large. PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded that the ASHI Board create a special mentorship
task force to report back to the board at InspectionWorld and Speaker of the CoR for
an undetermined duration. PASSED

• Motion was made and seconded that, subject to the termination of the agreement with
the current CPA/auditing firm, and the recommendation of the ASHI/AEI Finance
Committee, ASHI, in conjunction with AEI, and The ASHI Foundation, enter into an agreement for accounting/auditing and tax services with Legacy Professionals LLP for
one year with an option for two additional years. PASSED

Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,462
Inspectors/Logo: 97
Associates: 1,834
Retired Members: 129
Affiliates: 56
Total: 5,578

ASHI Event Calendar
Jan. 12-15, 2014
Nashville, TN

Jan. 12, 2014
ASHI Board Meeting
Nashville, TN

January 6-9, 2015
Philadelphia, PA

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