You Tell Us

Why We Support ASHI

By P. Nathan Thornberry

IF YOU ADD UP EVERYTHING WE SPEND IN a year on marketing at inspector events and online resources, you’d find that we spend more than two-thirds of this budget, a disproportionate amount, on ASHI events — from the chapter level all the way to InspectionWorld. We spend so much, in fact, that ASHI and its local chapters always try to make it cheaper for us and we refuse the offer every time. For example, when ASHI pays me to speak, I just buy more booth space or a sponsorship and give ASHI even more money. Local chapters offer to pay for a hotel room when we attend a meeting, so we pay for new members or guests to attend and sponsor their chapter to more than make up for it.

Why would we do this?

Generally, suppliers — not just in this profession, but in all industries — have the same views on shows and meetings: We want to attend fewer of them, we want them to have more attendees and we want to pay less money to attend. I don’t fault anyone for having this viewpoint; it certainly makes a lot of sense as a practical matter. Less marketing dough + more opportunities = higher profits. In the short term, this tactic plays well, but in the long term, having a strong ASHI, strong ASHI chapters and strong ASHI events in as many locations as possible improves this very localized profession, and that is something worth investing in.

There’s a lot of talk out there about other associations, both regional and national, having online resources or simply having head counts that are very impressive. Some have even heard me
compliment these players on their marketing skills or even tout some of the benefits thereof bto ensure that the individual inspector is always on the cutting edge … but nothing compares to a simple benefit for which ASHI is the clear leader: local chapters and national conferences to experience live and in person. That benefit is incredibly difficult and expensive to replicate and many of those putting these efforts together are doing so on a volunteer basis. Vendors, in my opinion, should sponsor these events on every level in a big way, and inspectors who care about where this industry is 10, 20 or even 30 years from now only need to look at where the industry was 10, 20, or even 30 years ago to see the effect that ASHI and ASHI members have had.

Take it from a guy who has been to nearly every chapter of every association out there, every national and regional show, spoken to more than 10,000 people and worked with more than 4,500 inspectors, and a guy who hosts two national conferences … ASHI InspectionWorld alone is worth the cost of ASHI annual dues.

Will I offend members of other associations by saying this? Perhaps, but generally only those who have insecurities or a bias to begin with. I promote any organization that promotes inspectors and the industry, and many do a great job of it. But none have the reach of ASHI on a local level or through the national conference that defines this industry and has done so for decades.

Whatever your affiliation may be, I invite you to join ASHI and attend InspectionWorld, the largest show in the home inspection industry.

Nathan Thornberry is the founder of The Inspector Services Group, the largest vendor in the inspection industry and a long-time ASHI supporter, featuring more than 1,000 products and services tailored to the inspection profession. Visit or email Nathan at

A Letter of Commendation

By Robert Pardi, ASHI Associate Member InterSpecs Property Inspections, Lakeside, CA

This letter is to publicly thank my mentor, John Bowley, of Master Specs, San Diego, CA, who introduced me to the world of property inspections.

From the beginning of the mentorship, John and I worked together diligently so that I could understand the kind of education I’d need to pursue to become successful and transform my business (and myself) into a valued asset in the property inspection field.

Before becoming a property inspector, I worked for more than 14 years as a California State–
licensed general building contractor and for
eight years as an outside field tech for a top
communications provider. When I turned my
interest toward property inspection, I had the
initial perception that I wouldn’t have all that much to learn. Boy, was I wrong!

Fortunately, John Bowley was the home inspector on call when my spouse and I relocated to Lakeside, CA. From the day I met John and told him that I hoped to become an inspector someday, he offered positive support, helpful information and encouragement for my goal to start a business that I could own and operate without depending on additional personnel (anyone who has ever been a contractor will understand why!). But when John told me to call him if and when I made up my mind to become a property inspector so that he could help me pursue this goal, my thoughts were something like, “Yeah, right. Everybody says that, but no one really means it.” I was wrong again!

The time I’ve spent learning under John’s mentorship has been the most valuable investment I’ve made in this endeavor. John has shared a wealth of information, provided guidance and showed me how to use intelligent practice techniques in all aspects of establishing and maintaining my own inspection company.

I’ve been all over the United States, done many jobs and met many people in my life. One thing I know is that opportunities to meet people like John are rare. John has never steered me wrong, even if I’ve sometimes doubted what he’s told me to do or how he’s taught me to do it. Everything John has said to me about this business has proven to be solid, indispensible guidance that has led me to success.

I’m grateful for John’s assistance and support, and I’m proud to be able to call him a friend. The information and education I’ve received through John’s mentorship is an invaluable tool in my quest for success. Thank you — to ASHI and John Bowley — for the help and support you have given me thus far. I look forward to many more years of continuing these associations, and perhaps someday, I’ll be able to do the same for someone else!

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