You can catch up if you hurry

by Edited by ASHI Staff October 1, 2002

If you haven’t renewed your Membership yet, all the membership benefits you’ve worked so hard for may be in jeopardy. Don’t let this happen. Act quickly. Take advantage of the new, convenient online, dues-paying option today. Go to the Members Only section of When you sign in, your dues-paying link will appear.

Keep pushing the number higher

As ASHI hits that magic 6,000 Membership mark, take time to reflect on the strength of your professional organization. Then get started again, sharing news about the benefits of Membership with all the unaligned home inspectors you know. ASHI members enhance their profession, and anything that enhances the profession in the eyes of potential customers helps you.

Vote on bylaw revision before time runs out

At the July meeting, ASHI’s Board of Directors recommended amending Bylaw Article 2.1.2b by striking out “not recommend individuals or businesses for any repair work.” The amendment must be approved by the Members, who have the opportunity to vote by mail or online. As more Members opt for online, the election process becomes easier for the voters and less costly for the Society. All votes must be received by October 15, 2002.

Get ready, set, go to Chapter Leadership Day   

Each year, this gathering of ASHI enthusiasts from the across the country, just keeps getting better. October 25, 2002 will be a day filled with discussions about legislation, legal issues including chapter liability, public relations at the chapter level and more. It’s a rewarding experience and every chapter deserves to be represented. Last minute questions? Contact

Casey speaks out on chapter viability

Last month in a memo to Chapter Presidents, ASHI President Mike Casey stressed the importance of completing the chapter viability test and reminded chapters of the reasons the test is required. The form was mailed, and the memo and form are also available on

Online InspectionWorld registration now available

InspectionWorld is so spectacular it needs its own Web site. Since September, has been the place to register online for the #1 inspection profession event. See you in Disney World!

Deadline passes for receipt of MRC claim forms

Claim forms received from those required to report this year are being reviewed and entered into the membership records.

Featuring new items in the ASHI Collection

These new items have been flying off ASHI store shelves. Visit the Web site or E-mail to place your order.

• “Preston’s Guide,” a double book covering Residential Gas and Oil Furnaces and Air Conditioning and Heating, from 1960 through 2000, is available on CD-ROM or in paperback.

• Two new Code Check books can be ordered from ASHI: “HVAC, a field guide to heating and cooling” and “West, a field guide to building a safe house.”

• “My House is Killing Me,” by Jeffrey May, can be purchased in paperback.

• Order the sample pack of nine, popular marketing brochures to decide what you need for your marketing plan.  

Board meeting expanded

Because of the number of business items under consideration, the October Board of Directors meeting will begin Friday afternoon, October 25, and continue through Saturday, October 26, 2002.

Advertise on or in the Reporter

Reach your target market by advertising on the Society’s Web site or in this magazine. Space is at a premium, so if you have a product or service that home inspectors want to know about, contact ASHI HQ now for availability and rates. Affiliates – add your special logo to your advertising material to let home inspectors know you support the Society.

ASHI calendar of events

 • October 25, 2002, Chapter Leadership Day, Chicago, Ill.
• October 25-26, 2002, Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• January 14, 2003, COR meeting, Orlando, Fla.
• January 15, 2003, Board of Directors meeting, Orlando, Fla.
• January 15-18, 2003 InspectionWorld, Orlando, Fla.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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