Year 2010
Like many of us, the Council of Representatives would like to make some New Year’s resolutions.
First of all, the council would like to increase the line of communication not only within the council, but more importantly, within ASHI membership. All too often there is a “hue ‘n’ cry” that information is gathered, but not disseminated from the top down. Nor is it passed up from the bottom to those in the know or who should be. We, the council representatives, will be prioritizing such miscommunication practices and striving for the ultimate goal of communication. Simply, the participation within the path of communication … news, good or bad, is better than no news!
In year 2010, we will seek this goal.
Second, the council would sincerely like to better the working relationship with the ASHI Board and its committees. Each year, the ASHI Board develops and accepts a work plan for its committees. All are involved. The council extends helping hands to all parties. We strive to fulfill the given tasks. Some board and committee members extend a welcome. In year 2010, the council will seek out all board and committee members for the continued purpose of working together — work together for one main purpose, the membership of our society.
Third, the council has new responsibilities for year 2010. The council makeup will be different. There are new members as selected by their chapters. Also, new members come to the council throughout the year. There will be new Group Leaders, some leaving the existing slots due to being elected to the ASHI Board, with others not seeking re-election. The Speaker and Alternate Speaker are remaining, but will be leaving next year. It is an ever-changing cycle that may be sad for some, but is good for all. The council needs new members for their welcomed thoughts and opinions. We need change for continued growth. No stagnantion … always, we push forward. The council will succeed for itself and for ASHI.
Lastly, the council is waiting with you for the ASHI Board’s decision on governance. Whether it is minor or major, the council will work with the board to achieve the goals as set forth by the rules that govern all of us. Our bylaws govern our society. They were set forth back in the beginning, with little change throughout the history of our organization. This presents that we didn’t change for the sake of change. We changed for the necessity of change as prescribed by time. We work in harmony and the future for one party … you, the members of this great society.
In closing, the council is looking forward to 2010 and the future of ASHI. We have weathered the storm of the poor market. The future holds only good for all of us. I sincerely hope to meet and greet all of you at the CoR annual meeting and during InspectionWorld in Las Vegas!
Please join in on the ASHI discussion forum!
CoR Speaker and Group Leader Contact Info
Howard Pegelow, Speaker
Bob Walstead, Alt Speaker, Mountain and Temporary Pacific Group Leader
Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, New England/Canada Group Leader
Jerry Santangini, New York/New Jersey Group Leader
Mark Londner, Mid-Atlantic Group Leader
Bob Peterson, Midwest Group Leader
Keven Kossler, South Atlantic Group Leader
Larry Cerro, Gulf Group Leader
Randy Sipe, South Midwest Group Leader
John Biegalski, North Central – Group Leader
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