Wisconsin Focuses on Energy

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2006

To the editor:
I read your article with interest (“Energy Inspections for Home Inspectors,”October 06 Reporter) as about a dozen home inspectors in Wisconsin are already performing evaluations and ratings through the Home Performance with Energy Star Program. In this state, Home Performance (HP) is part of “Focus on Energy,” Wisconsin’s state-wide initiative to reduce energy imports and operating costs, improve quality of life for its citizens, create jobs, and slow construction of power plants and distribution lines.

Our consultants are trained by Focus on Energy staff and receive continuing education. We do not require nor seek external certification. We have developed a strong network and constantly monitor competencies. Most, but not all, consultants have the ability to use REMRATE software to perform ratings, but many find the “Evaluation,” which includes performance testing, to be a more useful format in our existing-homes market. We offer solution-based written reports, recommendations, facilitation and post-retrofit testing. A network of trained Contractor Allies and Qualified Contractors performs installations.

Yes, it is a very good fit, as our home inspectors will testify. The key, as you rightly state, is performance testing. Prescriptive lists fail to identify root causes and cannot assure safe, durable, comfortable and efficient operation of our houses.

Bob Pfeiffer, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program Manager
Madison, Wis.

Springboard with energy

To the editor:

I am responding to your invitation to share information about incorporating energy inspections around the ASHI inspection. I enjoyed the article in the ASHI Reporter.
Other inspectors may wish to “spring-board” off their original home inspection by providing a flier, like the one I use: “Insight into energy-saving home improvements.” The flier is a way to stay in the minds of the client so more referrals are possible.

It suggests that the home inspection report is the place to start because it documents what weatherization measures have already been taken. The flier also points out that any energy conservation investment should be cost-effective—in other words, pay for itself in fuel

Matthew Hummel, ASHI Member
Total Building Analysis, LLC
Kirkland, Wash.

Claxton Walker remembered

To the editor:

I wish to inform our organization that a true pioneer in the home inspection business passed away on October 2, 2006, at the age of 82 due to Alzheimer’s disease. Claxton Walker was one of the founders of ASHI, and he served on the first Standards of Practice Committee and the Code of Ethics Committee in 1976.

He joined the U.S. Marine Corps at 18 in World War II, and saw combat duty on the beaches of Iwo Jima and other South Pacific islands. He was proud of his service.

We were partners in developing the home inspection business in the Washington, D.C., area in the early 1970s, when our inspection reports were $50 and one page long. Those were the fun days. Claxton contributed many articles to the ASHI Reporter via Clackie’s Corner. He was completely unselfish in sharing his vast construction knowledge and experience with new inspectors. Claxton was a true gentleman who will be very much missed.

John J. Heyn, ASHI Member #5
JJ Consultant
Owings Mills, Md.

To the editor:

The early formative years of ASHI were a wonderful experience for me. It was a fun, productive fraternity of like-minded ambitious inspectors fighting for what they believed. We had heated battles over differences of opinion, calm discussions about the details, and many fun/outrageous dinners and romps. Of that group, several personalities stood out that I still feel characterize the ASHI organization—even though it has grown and matured into something much larger than that small fraternity. They portrayed, and still portray, the true character of the organization: strength, integrity, honor, loyalty, generosity and humor. Clacky was one of that group. And, I shall always associate ASHI with Clacky’s infectious laugh. I especially want the surviving members to know that I feel honored to have worked and played with that fraternity.  It was one of the most rewarding
experiences in my life.

To Clacky, I offer a VERY fond farewell. Thank you, Clacky.

Richard “Dick” Wolcott, ASHI Member #92
Discovery! Inspections
Oneonta, N.Y.

Editor’s Note:
See a reprint from Clackie’s Corner,  “Using Age to Help Inspect a House” series on www.ashireporter.org.

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