Why Join ASHI?

by David Tamny April 1, 2010

With the economy in a tailspin and the challenges we are experiencing in the housing market, I’d like to make the case that ASHI membership is still one of the best values out there. Whether you are a new inspector or are an experienced pro, ASHI offers great benefits. ASHI membership is a cost-effective means of being recognized as a credible professional and creates an opportunity to influence the working environment in which we operate.

What are the benefits of ASHI membership?

• ASHI membership offers access to a network of experienced inspectors. The networking benefits allow for an exchange of technical information and experience. There is also an opportunity to form friendships with colleagues who can understand what we do.

• ASHI has mentorship opportunities through the Parallel Inspection Program. Experienced inspectors who have agreed to perform ride-along inspections can be contacted. For a newer inspector, there is nothing more valuable than the chance to watch a seasoned veteran in action.

• The ASHI Reporter provides access to expert information that reflects industry trends. This information can help you keep pace with changes in the profession.

• The ASHI Certification Program is an opportunity for professional development. ASHI has the only NCCA-
accredited home inspection certification. This can provide a significant marketing advantage and credential to demonstrate to your clients.

• Local chapters provide an opportunity for valuable continuing education and knowledge development. This is where friendships are formed and a free exchange of experience and ideas occur.

• Our annual InspectionWorld conference is an unparalleled educational opportunity. With multiple tracks and the best in the industry, this is the place to jump-start your career.

• The ASHI image projects the highest standards and ethics. Being an ASHI member enhances your status and image to your clients.

• ASHI membership gives you an opportunity to impact the industry. By serving on a national committee, the Council of Representatives or the Board of Directors, you can be part of shaping the future of home inspections.

Why I am an ASHI member

As I look at my own career, ASHI membership has been invaluable. It has been an opportunity to give back to the profession, as well as form lifelong friendships. I can’t imagine how anyone can be called a true professional without the opportunity to network with other professionals in this industry. I have been constantly challenged to improve myself and my work and have appreciated the opportunity to make a difference.

Just like anything, you cannot get out what you do not put in. In the case of ASHI, I would say that what I have received has been far greater than what I have invested.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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