Why be an ASHI Member?

by Frank Lesh December 1, 2015

That’s an honest question. If you want just one answer, it could be the “Find an Inspector” button on ASHI’s home page. There were over 61,000 hits on that button last year. That comes out to more than 10 visits per member. If you turn one or two of those into inspections, you’ve paid for your dues for the year! But, of course, there are many more benefits to being a member of ASHI. Maybe a better question is this: What separates an ASHI
Certified Inspector from any other inspector?

Here are four answers: Educated. Tested. Verified. Certified.

Those four words are proudly placed on our website. They’re on our brochures. They’re on our new banner stands. They epitomize what it means to be an ASHI member. It’s important to know the reason that we use them so frequently, which is because they state:

  • what we are continuously required to do
  • how we have to do it
  • how ASHI makes sure we did it
  • and most importantly, what we earn that no other home inspection organization has

Let’s start with Educated. ASHI provides free online education that any member may use to complete their annual continuing education (CE) requirements. In addition, by attending InspectionWorld,® a member will receive all of the 20 CE requirements needed for the year.

But another way to achieve the CE’s needed for membership is to attend local chapter seminars.
All chapters are able to offer enough hours of education to meet the requirements of membership. Plus, chapters also give the best type of education there is: face-to-face camaraderie.

Next, let’s look at Tested. In order to become an ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI), we have to take the National Home Inspector Examination. The NHIE is the only psychometrically designed home inspection test, and it’s the only test accepted for ASHI membership.

We verify applicants for membership by requiring they send in five completed home inspection reports that are Verified by retired members who make sure the reports comply with the ASHI Standard of Practice. If the reports fail the verification, the applicant must send in another set of reports until their submission meets our SoP.

And finally, an ACI is Certified. ASHI has attained the right to use the term Certified the old fashioned way…we earned it. We are the only third-party accredited home inspection organization in North America. There are other organizations that sell or give away the “certified” label, but only ASHI has received the approval from the Institute for Credentialing Excellence™. That is an earned honor that must be rigorously renewed. True third-party certification cannot be used by any other home inspection organization.

So, if a potential client asks, “Why should I hire you?” you can say, “Because I’m an ASHI member, and
that’s saying a lot!”

Since it’s the holiday season and most of us are in a giving mood, why not give yourself a couple of presents this year? I have two great suggestions:

The first is a gift that keeps on giving: Renew your ASHI
membership for all the reasons mentioned above.

The second: Register to attend InspectionWorld® 2016 San Diego. From January 24-27, you will learn from industry leaders how to perform and how to improve your inspection techniques while, at the same time, enjoying the warm California sun!

Have a great Holiday Season!

Frank Lesh, Executive Director
American Society of Home Inspectors
Direct: 847-954-3182

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