Who Moved My Cheese?

I’m going to make you work for this column. Even though I like to read, I know many inspectors don’t. And, as a matter of fact, even I barely scan most of the gibberish sent to me every day. So, I’m going to entice you to both view and listen to a couple of things so that you may better understand my points.
Who Moved My Cheese is a book about change. It was brought to my attention by CoR Speaker Jim Funkhouser and Vice President Bob Walstead. We have told this story to the ASHI Board of Directors and to ASHI staff. Deep down, on a personal level, I think we all know that change is inevitable, but some of us are better at adapting to it than others. Please go to this link to watch this short video that tells you the book’s message about change: https://youtu.be/VsSNMzgsE7U.
After viewing it, just substitute Amazon for a large real estate firm you receive (or used to receive) referrals from which. A month or so ago, I mentioned that I became a “deal killer” in the eyes of some agents in my area. When I heard that statement, I decided to seek new cheese by warning agents NOT to use me…unless the inspection was for relatives or close friends. I learned that slice-of-cheese chutzpah from long-long-longtime ASHI member Lon Grossman. At the time, his advice seemed risky, but that audacity became very profitable for me because I was now the go-to guy who provided a premium service at a premium price!
You may not want to use such an in-your-face approach, but you may be able to justify pursuing specialized inspections such as radon, thermography, pool and spa, EIFS, lead testing or many other disciplines available to you as your new cheese…if you’re willing to invest a little time, money and effort. It just may be the change of direction you need to reach your new cheese.
One thing that will never change, though, is realizing that being in a business as rough as ours means that you’re not guaranteed a steady paycheck. Nobody looks the other way when they disagree with your inspection report. They let you know when they perceive what you say is not true or not to their liking. Most of us (or at least those of us who were not born with a silver spoon and are in the baby boomer generation) can relate to this song: http://ultimateclassicrock.com/creedence-clearwater-revival-fortunate-son-top-100-classic-rock-songs/?trackback=email_flat_3. Take a listen for yourself.
Since you’re not likely a senator’s son, let’s move the cheese from a personal level to an association level. This is the goal of the upcoming Leadership Training Conference (LTC), which will be held on October 20-21.
We will have a brand new, action-packed agenda. Our keynote speaker will help you learn how to recruit, motivate and retain volunteers. Other speakers will train your membership and education volunteers to use proven techniques that will help make their jobs successful. We also will have training for your treasurer and secretary.
We strongly encourage you to send your CoR representative, education, membership and secretary this year. LTC will be fast-paced with incentives that will blow your socks off. Well, you may want to keep your socks firmly on your feet…remember, we will be in Chicago in October. But you get the idea. The Chapter Relations Committee is really gearing up to give you the best leadership training ASHI has ever conducted.
Have a great summer and be sure to rest up for an exciting time this fall at LTC!
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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