Who are the Mainstays of our Decision-Making Process

by Richard C. Matzen May 1, 2003

One of my responsibilities as President is to appoint chairs for ASHI’s standing committees. As the months have unfolded, I’ve received a steady flow of e-mail from these chairs as they do ASHI’s hard work. Within ASHI there are 18 committees that do the critical activities contained in our Strategic Plan and By-Laws and that perform the tasks requested by our Board of Directors. These committees study matters in depth and prepare reports and motions for the Board of Directors.

Should you attend a Board of Directors meeting and witness a deliberation of the Board, most likely you will be seeing us setting direction using a report submitted by a committee. It’s important to note that the most arduous study, debate and critical thinking for our Society take place within our committees.

I’m certain the presidents before me worked hard to choose the best people to Chair our committees, because they too were aware that the quality of the Board’s deliberation follows from reports submitted by committees.

These chairs are our mainstays

David Drewery, Bylaws: He takes responsibility for monitoring our bylaws, and preparing interpretations and changes.

Dennis Para Sr., Chapter Relations: His committee’s long list of activities foster good relationships with our chapters.

Stephen Gladstone and Don Norman, Conference Planning: The two work as a team to ensure our annual conference is the best it can be. There are two chairs – one new and one from the previous year – to provide continuity and to allow what was learned one year to be used the next.  

Ken Salvo, Education: It’s a tough task reviewing our education program for the conference and examining home inspection education programs affiliated with ASHI.

Danny Maynard, Elections: This Past President stands ready to be called on should our elections become complicated and need

Chris Ueland, Ethics: He’s taken on a challenge so important that we separated Ethics from Standards this year, so the committee could focus on testing new ideas to recommend for our Code of Ethics.

Chuck Bellefontaine, Facilities: As a committee of one, he’s charged with keeping an eye on the headquarters building so we are a step ahead of problems. Somehow I suppose a home inspector should be up to the task.

Joe Corsetto, Finance: All matters financial pass through this committee. Overseeing $3 million each year is an important responsibility.  

President elect Steve Gladstone and Brion Grant, Legislative: A few years ago we recognized that legislation involves both federal and state. Steve works on matters involving federal legislation, and Brion monitors state issues, and legislative-related publications, such as the White Paper.

Don Lovering, Membership: It can get complicated wrestling with ideas for attracting and retaining membership, while fostering a community we all enjoy being a part of.

Michael Casey, Officer Nominating: This Past President lends his experience to our nominating committee as it searches for our future leaders.

Skip Kelley, Public Relations: I first worked with him about 15 years ago on the Education Committee, and this year asked him to shoulder PR for us as we start the process of branding our home inspection.

JD Grewell, Standards: Bringing years of experience in crafting our Standards, he’s well prepared for this year’s Standards review, Ethics test revision, and Requests for Interpretation.

John Cranor, Technical: He’s committed to exercising the critical analysis involved in examining articles and issues about which home inspectors are passionate.

Jim Vykopal, CEPP and CCAC: Last year it was decided to add this professional to staff to chair our CEPP and CCAC Committees so that discipline can be professionally managed. He has brought stability and uniformity to the administration of our rules and to member discipline.

As you watch ASHI and follow the development of our programs and services, take time to thank these hardworking committee chairs for the organization they bring to our Society.

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