What a Drip

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2005

What a drip

This is a homeowners version of “Can You Fix the Drip?”  They tied a string from the shower head to drain. Ingenious! Never mind that there is mold everywhere in the shower.

Warren Tomek

Five Star Inspection Services
Madison , Conn.

FireplacePostcard.gif The ASHI Reporter “Never & Always” article (January 05) brought back old memories. Never be looking up the chimney when you open the damper. Here is photo of a new home that came equipped with its own firewood. A 2-foot section of framing lumber fell out of the chimney when I opened the damper. This was moments after the superintendent said I would find nothing wrong with his custom home. 

Bruce R. White
Laguna Beach, Calif.

Postcardelec.gif A fork in the stove
My customer pulled the stove out to see the electrical and this is what we found!

C. John Limongello
Southern Home Inspection Services
Jasper, Ga.

Postcard.gif Don’t even ask

Is the switch for the light or to turn the water off?

Butch Upton
Upton Enterprises, LLC dba Housemaster
Gastonia, N.C.

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