Welcome to the 2009 Committee Chairs, Board and Staff Liaisons

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2009

Welcome to the members who have volunteered for 2009 to carry out the ASHI work plan under the direction of the Board of Directors, and supported by their committee members and Board and staff liaisons.

Bill Richardson, ASHI president, would like you to know a little more about these important people and has invited the committee chairs to introduce
themselves. This month, meet Steve Gladstone and Bruce Barker.

STEVE GLADSTONE, Bylaws Committee chair

Steve-Gladstone.jpg Hi, I’m Steve Gladstone, ASHI 2009 Bylaws Committee chairperson. For those of you who have heard my name before but are not sure where … I have worn a few ASHI hats in the past. I have been president of the SNEC ASHI and Coastal CT Chapters in Connecticut. I served on the National Board since 1998 and was elected to the following offices: secretary, treasurer, vice president and president–elect, serving as ASHI president in 2004.

I’ve also been on many committees and chaired Membership, Finance, Executive Director Evaluation,  Leadership, Officer Nominating, Legislative, and co-chaired Conference Planning.

I was on the Council in 1997 for SNEC ASHI and have been on the Council for the past three years for Coastal CT. I also have served for many years as ASHI’s Liaison to The Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors and the alternate to the AARST group for radon issues.

On the home front, I’ve been married for 36 years to Sandi, who has been active helping with the ASHI spouse programs at InspectionWorld for many years. We have four children (one of whom is an ASHI Certified Member), four grandkids and one son-in-law who also is an ASHI Certified Member! We live in Stamford, Conn. When I’m not running my inspection company, I teach home inspection for novice inspectors and Realtor classes, and produce and host my own radio show, “Around the House, with Steve Gladstone.” And I write.
Obviously, I have been very involved over the years with ASHI’s strategic planning and, as a result, have enjoyed many incredible experiences. I have developed many long-lasting, wonderful friendships with inspectors across both nations.

I am proud to serve this organization and, with so much potential for so many changes this year, I suspect we may be updating more of our bylaws and policies and procedures. I look forward to a great year for ASHI and I hope the spring 2009 market proves once again that inspecting is a wonderful business for all of us and ASHI.

BRUCE BARKER, Standards Committee chair

Bruce-Barker.jpg Nobody predicted home inspection as my career. I was trained to be a suit. My undergraduate degree is in accounting. My MBA is in information systems. I went to law school, but never graduated (didn’t fit in with the sharks). After many years in management consulting, I found that I wasn’t good at being a corporate guy. The suits and I had an amicable parting, and I went to work for myself.

I was good at writing and at managing projects. The life of a starving writer wasn’t appealing, so I decided to manage projects. The projects I decided to manage were construction projects — specifically, building homes. I started building one home with the help of books and a builder whom I met on my ham radio. One home became two and two became many. I had a great run on the dark side as a home builder.

When it came time to choose between expanding and complicating my construction business or changing what I did for a living, I decided to use my construction experience in home inspecting. I had no clue about the differences between building and inspecting. Being confronted with the creative ways people devise to make mistakes is a constant learning experience. I’ve learned far more about construction as a home inspector than I did as a home builder. In fact, builders would do well to ride along with home inspectors and see the results of their actions years after the builder warranty expires.

When I’m not crawling through attics, I write books and articles. I write for the Reporter and for other publications. My first book, “Everybody’s Building Code,” was published in 2008. The updated version for 2009 should be available this summer. Another book, a consumer-oriented code book that I am writing, should be in book stores and in home improvement stores later this year.

I came to Standards with John Cranor from the Technical Committee when John became Standards Committee chair in 2005. For me, Standards is the perfect fit.
I get to do two things I enjoy: write like an attorney and think like an attorney without having to be one. I appreciate Bill Richardson’s trust in selecting me as Standards Chair. I look forward to the challenge.


2009 Committees

Bylaws Committee
Steve Gladstone, Chair
Paul Staron, Board Liaison
Dick Bennett, Staff Liaison

Chapter Relations Committee
David Sherwood, Chair
Ken Salvo, Board Liaison
Russell Daniels, Staff Liaison

CEPP Committee
Jamison Brown, Chair
Kurt Salomon, Board Liaison
Dick Bennett, Staff Liaison

CLU Committee 
Steve Hartnett, Chair
Kurt Salomon, Board Liaison
Dick Bennett, Staff Liaison

Education Committee
Greg Caudill, Chair
Michael Stephens, Board Liaison
Bill Lewis, Staff Liaison

Ethics Committee
Bill Loden, Chair
Ron Rusch, Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau, Staff Liaison

Finance Committee
Charles Gifford, Treasurer, Chair
Dick Bennett, Staff Liaison

Legislative Committee
George Harper, Co-chair for State Affairs
David Tamny, Co-chair for Federal Affairs and Board Liaison
Marvin Goldstein, Vice Chair
Bill Lewis, Staff Liaison

Membership Committee
J. D. Grewell, Chair
Alden Gibson R.H.I., Board Liaison
Russell Daniels, Staff Liaison

Officer Nominating Committee
Brion Grant, Chair
Jeff Arnold, Staff Liaison

Public Relations Committee
Dan Howard, Chair
Tony Smith, Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau, Staff Liaison

Standards Committee
Bruce Barker, Chair
Brendan Ryan, Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau, Staff Liaison

Technical Review Committee
Michael Conley, Chair
Robert Pyne, Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau, Staff Liaison


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