Welcome ASHI’s new director
Bill Lewis has joined ASHI as Director of Business Development & Education. In this position, Lewis will be working to expand opportunities for member benefits and the many educational offerings available. He also will be working with Affiliate members on sponsorships and exhibiting at the InspectionWorld conference.
Lewis comes to ASHI with 25 years of association management experience in a variety of areas — marketing, customer service, membership development, education, certification, meeting planning, international operations, etc. He has been with Photo Marketing Association (international photo retailing and processing), American Planning Association (city/regional planners), Information Systems Audit and Control Association (the international auditors profession) and Association of Rotational Molders International (a specialty segment of the plastics industry). He also has experience in retail bookstore management (Chandler’s in Evanston, Ill.) and in marketing for an industrial process equipment supplier (Frigel NA).
Lewis earned a BA and MBA at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Use your new ASHI Client Bill of Rights
With the introduction of the new Client Bill of Rights, ASHI has taken another step in differentiating itself from other home inspector organizations. To learn why this exciting document is important to you and all ASHI members, read the June ASHI Reporter.
Copies are available from Russell Daniels at russelld@ashi.org.
Help spread the good news by downloading, completing and sending the template press release to your local media. It’s available on www.homeinspector.org.
Committee chairs talk
A conference call for ASHI committee chairs was scheduled for July 2nd. The regular calls provide chairs with the opportunity to share current activities and to discuss upcoming motions with their colleagues.
Market your business with ASHI’s new endorsed program for chapters and members
ASHI’s Board of Directors recently approved the Send Out Cards marketing program for members. This is a great opportunity to promote your business and enhance your customer service and recognition. The program will automatically send thank you cards, follow-up cards, even birthday and anniversary cards. ASHI Chapters can sign up at the Entrepreneur Level under ASHI’s umbrella, and chapter members should sign up as wholesaler under their chapter or under ASHI.
For more information, e-mail Dick Bennett at richardb@ashi.org.
Save the date for ASHI’s annual Leadership Training Conference
The October 16-17 Leadership Training Conference will be held in New Orleans. Chapters need to be ready to respond when they receive their invitations. With room rates under $100 and another outstanding lineup of sessions, this is sure to be a popular event.
The October 18 Board of Directors meeting also will be held in New Orleans. The July 11-12, 2008 Board Meeting now is slated for Rosemont, Ill.
Share chapter highlights
Chapter news is a regular feature in the ASHI Reporter. Share your chapter’s accomplishments and activities by sending photos and stories to Sandy Bourseau at sandyb@ashi.org.
Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,653
ASHI Associates with Logo Use: 172
ASHI Associates: 1,647
ASHI Retired Members: 136
Affiliates: 85
Total Membership: 5,696
CE hours available through chapter seminars
Chapter seminars offer ASHI Members a convenient way to earn required Continuing Education hours. For a list of CE-approved seminars, visit www.HomeInspector.org.
ASHI Calendar of Events
• July 11-12, 2008, Board meeting, Doubletree Hotel, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 1, 2008, Board books mailed
• Oct. 16-17, 2008, Leadership Training Conference, Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, La.
• Oct. 18, 2008, Board meeting, Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, La.
• Dec. 29, 2008, Board books mailed
• Jan. 21, 2009, Board meeting, Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Fla.
• Jan. 21-24, 2009, InspectionWorld, Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando Fla.
• April 17, 2009, Board orientation, Rosemont, Ill.
• April 18, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 17, 2009, ASHI Town Hall meeting, TBD
• July 18, 2009, Board meeting, TBD
• Oct. 22-23, 2009, Leadership Training Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 24, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 17, 2010, Board meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
• Jan. 17-20, 2010, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.