Welcome ASHI’s Additions to Staff

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2006

ASHI’s Director of Education: Michael Long
Bringing with him association and adult learning experience, Michael will be a valuable asset as ASHI moves forward with SmartTrack and other education and training initiatives. He was the manager of Adult Learning Programs with the American Public Works Association, and most recently the director of education with the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International, in Rockford, Ill. He serves as the staff liaison for the Education Committee and participated in that committee’s meeting in May. To contact him, call 847-954-3176 or
e-mail michaell@ashi.org.

Membership & marketing: Kate Zarko
You may have spoken to Kate already as she manages the ASHI phone bank and is responsible for helping our membership find answers to its questions. A 2005 graduate of Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Ill., she joined the ASHI staff on April 28. Kate was a teaching assistant and a resident advisor in college, completed a successful internship in communications work with Goodcity, a Chicago-based not-for-profit, and was box office manager for the Chicago Steel Junior Hockey Team. She has assumed the membership administration duties for ASHI’s membership & marketing department. The membership can reach Kate at katez@ashi.org or 847-954-3175.

Go West for 2006 Town Hall Meeting and Chapter Seminar

This year’s annual Town Hall Meeting and July Board of Directors meeting will take place at the Marriott Portland City Center. Portland, Ore., July 14. Oregon ASHI will be presenting an educational program in conjunction with the national event. For more information, please contact Oregon ASHI Vice President Ken Giblin at 503-260-4300.

InspectionWorld promotion for
chapters coming soon

The details are still being ironed out, but a big-bucks, first-of-its kind chapter reward program for InspectionWorld attendance is in the works. InspectionWorld attendees experience home inspection at its best at ASHI’s annual conference, and that experience is maximized when shared with
fellow chapter members. Watch for the announcement, coming soon.

MRC Reminders

If you joined ASHI prior to Oct. 1, 2005, you will owe 20 Membership Renewal Credits (MRCs), by Sept. 30, 2006. If you attended InspectionWorld 2006, you have earned your required 20 MRCs; if you didn’t and need additional credits, see ASHI’s list of approved seminars.

Reserve your Room for InspectionWorld California Now

If you like to have your plans in place early, call now to reserve your hotel room for InspectionWorld California, Jan. 10-13, 2007. The phone number is 714-520-5005. Be sure to ask for the American Society of Home Inspectors’ $154-a-night rate.

Great response to Member Get A Member

The Member Get a Member program, in which the current membership helps bring new Candidates to ASHI, went live in January. To date, 87 new Candidates have joined.

The top Member “referrer” is Paul Brunetti Sr., from Providence, R.I., who has recommended four new Candidates.

The top Candidate “referrer” is Justin Nickelsen, from Vancouver, Wash., who has recommended three new Candidates.

The program is open to all current Candidates, Candidates with Logo Use Privileges, Members and Retired Members. Beginning in January 2006, all Candidate membership applications include an area to provide information about the person referring the Candidate. Applications are available online and from ASHI HQ.

What’s In It For You? For every application that comes in with your name and member number on it, you will receive a $50 gift card. Help bring in 10 new Candidates, earn $500. Help bring in 20 new Candidates, earn $1000. The chance to bring in new Candidates is unlimited. With each new person, you help to grow ASHI, ensuring its continued strength now and in the future. For a complete set of rules, see the ASHI Web site, Member Extranet: www.ashi.org/members/news. Questions? Contact Anthony Snyder, anthonys@ashi.org.

Membership Numbers (as of 5/16/06)

Members: 3,635
Candidate with Logo Use: 173
Candidates: 2,204
Affiliates: 97
Retired Members: 99
Total: 6,208

AARST offers discounts

The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) is offering the following discounts to the ASHI membership:

  • 7.5 discount on NEHA-NRPP Certification Application and Renewal
  • $140 for initial Certification (Current fee is $150.)
  • $120 for two-year renewals (Current fee is $130.)
  • Optional – $50 annual Associate AARST Member fee (instead of $75)
  • Allowing interested ASHI members to participate directly in Standards process at a discount of over 30% off of normal associate membership.

In addition, AARST will make available to ASHI the new, updated release of AARST Measurement Standards (two standards in one: including updates to the EPA Measurement protocols and a new, first-time release of Multi-family Measurement Standards) per the following schedule:

  • Purchase the Standards from AARST Web site at $10 per copy.
  • Purchase in bulk at discounted prices from the ASHI Store.

Adjustment to ‘Find an Inspector’ Zip Code Search Parameters

An adjustment has been made to the recent changes to Zip Code search parameters for the online search tool ‘Find an Inspector.’ The radius continues to be enough to return 25 Members and Candidates, but now from 0 to 150 miles instead of from 0 to 3000. Candidates continue to be included in the mix of the first 25 names, but always listed after Members and C2s.

ASHI to recruit volunteers for NAR conference in the Crescent City

The National Association of Realtors® Annual Conference is coming to New Orleans this fall, and once again, ASHI will have a strong presence. We will be actively seeking volunteers to work the ASHI booth during the show, which will take place November 10-13 at the Morial Convention Center. If you live in the area, mark your calendar now and watch for the call for volunteers from your chapter later this year.

ASHI Signs Available

Vinyl decals, magnetic and static-cling signs to help you promote your affiliation with ASHI now are for sale in the online store. The corporate ASHI logo vinyl decals and magnetic signs are 12″x 12″ squares. The ASHI Experience vinyl decals and magnetic signs are 9″x 24″. Also available are 6″x 6″ static-cling signs. Visit the online store or call Russell K. Daniels at 847-954-3185 for pricing.

ASHI Calendar of Events

• July 14-15, 2006, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, Portland, Ore.
• October 19-20, 2006, Chapter Leadership Days, Rosemont, Ill.
• October 21, 2006, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• January 10, 2007, Board Meeting, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.
• January 10-13, 2007, InspectionWorld California, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.
• April 13-14, 2007, Board Orientation and Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 13-14, 2007, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, TBD

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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