We Get E-Mails: Members Report Their Public Relations Success
“We just had to toot our horn, since you probably missed the March 12 “The Fix” column in the New York Times,” Lisa Frey, Oregon West Inspection, Inc., wrote.
She wanted us to know Paul Frey, her husband and an ASHI member, had the pleasure of being interviewed by New York Times columnist Arienne Cohen, who quoted him in her regular column, “The Fix,” concerning how one can avoid potentially serious problems that may arise during home repairs or storms. In this column, Cohen asked, “Do you know where your shut-off valves are?” The Portland, Oregon, home inspector helped explain why the answer to the question should be “yes.”
On April 10, Tom Kraeutler, ASHI retired member and AOL Home Improvement editor, wrote, “I thought you’d like to see this,” and included a link to the AOL Welcome Screen, which featured “Home Inspectors’ Nightmares,” 15 photos from ASHI members that had previously been published in the ASHI Reporter.
With permission from ASHI, he regularly includes photos from the Reporter in AOL’s home improvement section, helping ASHI and its members gain a greater presence on the Internet. Being featured on the Welcome Screen was a plus.
In addition to his position as AOL’s home improvement editor, the long-time ASHI supporter also hosts the nationally syndicated “The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show.”
Bob Jennings sent a clip from The Virginian-Pilot, where the headline for the House CALL column identified him as “President, Hampton Roads Chapter of American Society of Home Inspectors; Owner, HomeView, Inc.”
The column, published on April 11, included his photo and bio, the requirements for becoming an ASHI Certified Inspector and his answers to a series of questions including what to expect from a home inspection, when to have one, the most common problems and his most memorable inspections. References to National Home Inspection month suggest why the columnist chose to profile a home inspector in April.
Who else is in the news?
ASHI uses a clipping service to find and alert us to mention of the society and its members in the news, both electronic and print. The full report is distributed regularly with First Thing, the monthly e-newsletter to ASHI members. The file is too large to be published here, but reports suggest that ASHI has developed a strong electronic presence while continuing to catch the attention of print editors.
Looking for more news
ASHI members are invited to share news of their success in being featured in the press by e-mailing the information to Sandy Bourseau, sandyb@ashi.org.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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