Voluntary Standards Accepted and Available
The new voluntary standards of business practices covering residential pool and spa inspections and predrywall inspections are available for members to download from the Members Only Downloads and Forms section of the website.
ASHI will be announcing to the public and the real estate community that ASHI members now have these voluntary standards as part of the promotion of “April is Home Inspection Month.” Questions? Contact Sandy Bourseau, 847-954-3179 or sandyb@ashi.org.
Online Bonus: Report Out from the January Board of Directors Meeting
CE Hours Audit Underway
ASHI staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours every January. A list of ACIs and Associates is randomly generated from our database, including at least one member from each chapter.
Those contacted have been asked to provide proof of having earned the credits reported on their claim form. Proof is required only for credits earned between 2009-10, not for carryover hours. The following documents satisfy the verification requirement:
– A certificate of attendance,
– A letter from the instructor/school,
– A copy of a receipt for the course/class/study materials, or
– Any documentation that indicates the number of credit hours earned.
Documentation must be received at headquarters by March 22, 2011.
Inspectors who fail the audit are placed on administrative suspension. Questions? Contact Sarah Walsh at sarahw@ashi.org or 847-954-3180.
CE Hours Audit Underway
ASHI staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours every January. A list of ACIs and Associates is randomly generated from our database, including at least one member from each chapter.
Those contacted have been asked to provide proof of having earned the credits reported on their claim form. Proof is required only for credits earned between 2009-10, not for carryover hours. The following documents satisfy the verification requirement:
– A certificate of attendance,
– A letter from the instructor/school,
– A copy of a receipt for the course/class/study materials, or
– Any documentation that indicates the number of credit hours earned.
Documentation must be received at headquarters by March 22, 2011.
Inspectors who fail the audit are placed on administrative suspension. Questions? Contact Sarah Walsh at sarahw@ashi.org or 847-954-3180.
Moving from Associate to ASHI Certified Inspector?
It’s not easy to earn the ACI designation, but it’s well worth the effort. ASHI has met the rigorous requirements of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) as a certifying body; therefore, you will have reached the top rung in the only home inspector organization able to offer a third-party-approved home inspector certification program.
Step up by completing the following:
• Pass the National Home Inspector Examination and ASHI’s Standards and Ethics module.
• Have your inspection reports successfully verified for compliance with the ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
• Submit proof of performance of at least 250 fee-paid home inspections that meet or exceed the ASHI Standards of Practice.
Then, you’ll join the ranks of the ACIs who proudly display the ASHI logo, the widely recognized mark of a professional in his or her field.
Council Reps Submit Nomination Committee Matrices
The Council Representatives who volunteered at the January council meeting to serve on the Officers and Directors Nomination Committees have returned their completed matrices to headquarters. Next, council members will vote on who should serve on each of the committees. For more information on the current election process, see section 10 of the Council Policy and Procedure manual.
Calling Presenters for IW 2012
It’s never too soon to start planning for another outstanding conference. The Call for Presentations has been issued for InspectionWorld Phoenix and is available on the Members-Only Downloads and Forms section of the website.
Questions? Contact Michele George, 847-954-3188 or mgeorge@ashi.org.
Virginia Baker Joins Staff
Assisting Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director/CEO, is the primary responsibility of the newest addition to the ASHI staff at headquarters. Because Virginia Baker is a bit of a Jill-of-All-Trades, she will be called on to handle Board meeting minutes, relationships with allied organizations and numerous additional executive-level administrative tasks.
Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,343
Associates/Logo: 116
Associates: 1,261
Retired Members: 105
Affiliates: 76
Total: 4,901
ASHI Calendar
- April 30, 2011, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- July 30, 2011, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- October 20, 2011, Focus Group, SessionRosemont, Ill.
- October 21, 2011, Leadership Training Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
- October 21, 2011, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
ASHI MissionStatement
set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the
educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.