View President’s Monthly Podcast
Log in to the ASHI Members Only Web site and check the column on the right side of the page for the link to Frank Lesh’s Podcast or click here.
If you’ve never logged in to the Members Only Web site, enter your member number and type “password” in the password box for your first visit, then create your own password for future visits.
Chapter Calendars just a click away
Is your chapter struggling to get members to attend meetings? We can help. Did you know that all chapters have calendars on the ASHI Web site to announce chapter events? You can see them here (after logging in). Your members can look at their own calendar and the calendars of other chapters to see what’s going on. To use your chapter calendar, you need to appoint a calendar administrator. Contact Bob Kociolek at or 847-954-3177 to get your calendar going or resolve any questions or issues.
Change to ASHI Bylaws requires review of chapter bylaws
At its January meeting, the ASHI Board of Directors amended 8.5 Policy: Chapter Bylaws and Rules to ensure that all chapter bylaws are in compliance with ASHI Bylaws and Policy. The salient new points are that all new chapters must draft bylaws and submit them to HQ and legal counsel for review. And, all existing chapters, if they haven’t recently done so, must submit their bylaws for review. Finally, proposed amendments or other changes to chapter bylaws must be submitted for review and approval. Questions? Contact Bob Kociolek at or 847-954-3177.
Current membership numbers
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,640
ASHI Associates with Logo Use: 172
ASHI Associates: 1,600
Affiliates: 95
Retired Members: 119
Membership Total: 5,626
Chapter Presidents: If you need a list of chapter members who have paid dues but are on administrative suspension for failure to submit MRCs, please contact Kate Zarko at
ASHI Certified Inspectors and ASHI Associates replacing Members and Candidates
While the requirements for each category of membership remain the same, Members and Candidates are now ASHI Certified Inspectors and ASHI Associates. Changes to the Web site and printed material are under way, but it will take time to complete the process.
Contact ASHI’s leaders with ease
The online ASHI Membership Directory allows members to identify and e-mail all ASHI’s 2007 leaders, including
officers, directors, committee chairs and committee members. The Directory can be found in the Resources section of the Members Only Web site. Share your ideas and suggestions with your leaders the easy way.
Four Smart Track Chapter Modules now available
Need a good technical presentation for an upcoming chapter meeting? Four Smart Track Chapter modules (slide presentation with instructor notes) are now available for use by ASHI chapters. To gain access, contact Michael Long at
ASHI to travel to chapter seminars
This year ASHI will bring its booth and help promote four chapter seminars that have more than 150 registered participants. Chapters planning a seminar of this size can request to be one of the four by contacting Russell Daniels at or 847-954-3185.
MRC sources listed on
For a list of programs for which you can earn ASHI Membership Renewal Credits (MRCs), click here.
Ideas? Suggestions? Send them to Anthony
The ASHI Membership Committee will be holding monthly conference calls. ASHI members with suggestions on how to improve ASHI programs or benefits can send them to Anthony Snyder, Director of Membership & Marketing, at He will share your ideas with the committee.
ASHI calendar of events
- April 12, 2007, Conference Planning Committee Committee Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- April 13-14, 2007, Board Orientation and Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- July 13-14, 2007, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa.
- Oct. 19-20, 2007, Chapter Leadership Day and Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- Jan. 16, 2008, Board Meeting, New Orleans, La.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.