Update on ASHI’s donation
Nearly $5,600 was donated in the name of the ASHI Membership to a disaster relief fund that adds 50 cents for each dollar. ASHI’s donation represents a dollar for each active member. In addition to the donation, HQ informed the National Red Cross of ASHI’s willingness to help with building inspection issues, as outlined in a previous mutual agreement, and HQ provided the Red Cross with contact information for ASHI chapters in the NYC area.
Last chance coming soon
The next dues notice will be the final one. Those who haven’t paid by November 30, will lose all the benefits of membership. What’s more, you’ll be missed by your fellow professionals. Do renew! Update personal data on the invoice.
Election time nears – Ballots mail end of month
The slate of Officer Nominees for 2002, established by the Officer Nominating Committee, is as follows.
President-Elect, Richard Matzen;
Vice-President, Stephen Gladstone;
Treasurer, Donald Norman; and
Secretary, Joe Corsetto.
The committee was very pleased with the quality of the nominations submitted, and expressed its sincere appreciation to all who submitted nominations.
The slate of Director Nominees established by the Director Nom-inating Committee is as follows:
Jamie Dunsing
Brian Murphy
Tom Murley
Dave Tamny
Dave Whittle and
Jim Rooney, Alternate
Officer Ballots will be mailed to voting Members and Director Ballots to the COR on October 31. Both elections close on November 30. The COR will be voting for five Directors and one Alternate.
The Petition process as outlined in ASHI’s Policies is as follows.
A valid petition containing the names of a minimum of 10% of the Council of Representatives shall cause the name of the qualified Member to be added to the Director Ballot and a valid petition containing the names of a minimum of 10% of the then in good standing ASHI Members shall cause the name of the qualified Member to be added to the Officer Ballot, in both cases as a Candidate for a specified (named) office. Petitions must be presented upon a special form available only from ASHI HQ and requires the name (printed) and the signature of each petitioner, as well as the office in which the petitioner would serve, if elected.
The form must be received by mail or fax at HQ at least 10 days prior to the distribution of the ballots.
Staff will verify the validity of the petition prior to placing the name of a Candidate for office on the ballot.
All Director or Officer petitions had to have been received at ASHI Headquarters by October 19, 2001.
To obtain an official Petition Form, contact HQ.
Also according to ASHI Policies, the following rules apply to
a. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is permissible, as long as no ASHI assets are used.
b. Staff, Nominating Committee and Election Committee Members shall not participate in campaigning.
c. Candidates may purchase mailing labels or lists from Headquarters.
d. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted. Campaign statements or materials should be previewed by the Election Committee in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their contents.
Contact Rob Paterkiewicz or Mark Cramer with questions about the Officer slate and Bob Kociolek about the slate of Directors.
Planning for next year
President-Elect Mike Casey and Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz met recently to plan for the coming year. Casey will present the list of Committee chairs for 2002 to the Board of Directors at the October Board meeting for approval.
Watch for “Call for volunteers” for 2002
ASHI volunteer leaders hold the future success of the Society in their hands. The willingness of volunteers to work on committees, task forces, at the annual conference and in other programs and activities ensures home inspectors will continue to shape the policies and practices of the Society. Members will soon receive a flier in the mail describing volunteer opportunities. Consider answering the call and encourage others to do the same. Committee chairs will use the returned “Call for volunteers” forms to help form their committees and task forces. On December 8, the chairs will attend Committee Leadership Day in Chicago to develop work plans in support of the new strategic plan.
Become part of the process. Fill out and return your volunteer form promptly.
Strong presence at NAR 2001
ASHI leadership, staff and volunteers from local chapters carried the ASHI message to real estate agents at the annual NAR Conference and Expo in Chicago November 2-5, 2001. The Northern Illinois Chapter responded to the call for volunteers to work the booth, where real estate agents were invited to “Find an Inspector” on the live ASHI Web site, and to take home CDs that allowed them to download the same button to their own desktops.
NHIE “Sample test” online
The Examination Board of Pro-fessional Home Inspectors (EBPHI) now has available a “sample test” in an online environment. Home inspectors have asked to “try out” the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE) before taking the full version, now required by six states for licensing and ASHI for membership. The sample test consists of 50 multiple choice questions. After completing the sample test, participants are provided a printable score sheet to assist them in assessing their strengths and weaknesses. The NHIE sample test is available from a link on the EBPHI Web site at www.homeinspectionexam.org. The cost is $35, payable via credit card at the secure sample test site, hosted by psychometrics consultants CASTLE Worldwide, Inc.
“First Thing” is for everyone
In the past, local leaders were encouraged to pass along the
e-mailed monthly news bulletin to local Membership. Now the entire Membership can receive this news on the first day of every month. “First Thing” is posted on ashi.com in the Members Only section at the same time it’s e-mailed. While ASHI will be sending more broadcast e-mails to the full membership, the Web site remains the quickest, most convenient and by far the most cost effective method of communication.
Separate registration required to take ASHI exams at InspectionWorld
Call 800-274-8359 to register with ASI to take both examinations required to be an ASHI Member during InspectionWorld in New Orleans.
Mark your calendar
• December 8, 2001, Committee Leadership Workshop, Chicago, Ill.
• January 12, 2002, COR Meeting, New Orleans, La.
• January 13, 2002, Board Meeting, New Orleans, La.
• January 14-16, 2002, InspectionWorld, New Orleans, La.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.