Update on ASHI Standards of Practice

by JD Grewell June 1, 2004

The Standards Committee held a public hearing at the last conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on January 16, 2004. There will be another hearing, as required by ASHI Policy and Procedures, at the next conference in Austin, Texas.

No proposed changes from the membership or the public have been received during the period prescribed by ASHI Policy and Procedures for this coming year (review the Policy and Procedures Manual on www.ashi.org); however, the committee will be making recommended changes in relation to the Strategic Plan to the Board of Directors at some point this year . Any substantive changes would be submitted to the Membership for a vote.

After the next hearing, the committee again will accept recommended changes to the Standards of Practice from the Membership or interested public for the period of January 1, through March 1, 2005. Submissions must state the proposed revision and a rationale for the proposed revision.  

Proposed revisions need to be in a format acceptable to the committee. Any Member desiring to make a proposal needs to contact the chair for the appropriate form.

This is a momentous period in ASHI’s history. The Standards of Practice are a cornerstone of our Society. State regulatory bodies continue to adopt them and incorporate them into law. Our Standards are recognized as being the best and most inclusive available. It is critical that they remain relevant to the Membership, the public and to the profession.

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