Top Ten Ideas I Took Home From Chapter Leadership Days This Year
This year’s CLD was great. In fact, I heard so many ideas I started to lose track of them all. So I decided to make a ‘top 10’ list of improvements to take back to my chapter for immediate action.
My list is for a well-established chapter of 165 members that has been blessed with great past leaders. Some of the ideas I heard would be appropriate for smaller or newer chapters; others did not make my list because they are already in use at my chapter.
1. Candidate hour at chapter classes.
We tried a Candidate Corner a few years ago, with little success. Some chapters use this to focus on the IRC or passing the NHIE. We will try this again with a new name: Back to Basics Hour or Inspection 101 Hour.
2. Letter for volunteers.
We send a welcome letter to new chapter Members and Candidates. I’ve made a form letter for potential volunteers, listing chapter committees and other volunteer positions. It describes the duties for each position so potential leaders can see how much time is required. Importantly, the letter states the advantages and rewards of leadership.
3. 10-minute technical question session in classes.
Because Arizona is regulated, our questions will be about the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. We’ll present a hypothetical situation for discussion that may or may not be in violation of the Arizona or ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
3.1 I’ll have our state home inspection regulatory agency newsletter and point out the ‘disciplinary actions’ section. I’ll remind the class, “You don’t want to be here.”
4. Improved press releases.
Our Public Relations Committee will create and distribute sample press releases to new Candidates, Members, leaders and chapter class attendees.
5. Greater delegation/division of duties.
To help recruit volunteers, we’ll ask them to help with one specific task at an event rather than asking them to join a committee. We’ll recognize their contribution.
6. Improve Mentor Program for Members.
We have a strong mentoring program. Now the chapter will reimburse a mentor up to $50 for taking a new candidate to lunch or dinner.
7. Develop Mentor Program policy.
We have ‘talking points’ when prospects and new candidates and members are contacted by the president, Membership Committee chair and their mentor. Now we have a written policy with specific duties and dates for the entire program.
8. Safety inspections.
I heard about a public relations program with short inspections for the elderly, highlighting safety concerns. Whenever the word ‘elderly’ is mentioned, it might work
in Arizona.
9. Quickie class ideas.
Having a timer counting down on the screen helps to get people back after a break. Providing members adequate networking/mingling time at the chapter meetings is important, so perhaps we will extend our breaks. We will charge anyone whose cell phone rings during a meeting $10, which will go into a fund to pay for the raffle prizes we give away at our meetings.
10. Use attending CLD as an incentive for attracting leaders.
In addition to learning how to improve chapter leader skills, CLD attendees get ideas for dealing with all aspects of their lives. If I had taken Debbie Long’s class on Ethical Decision-Making when my kids were young, I might have kept my hair a little longer. We’ll let potential leaders know the opportunity to attend CLD is one of the best rewards of leadership.
As I noted, this is Arizona’s top-10 list. Yours is sure to be different, and I hope it’s as useful. I apologize for not giving credit for the ideas on my list. I didn’t always note the sources, and some ideas were combined or modified.
Since I’ve attended CLD several times, incoming leaders will make the trip next year. So, it’s time for me to thank the Chapter Relations Committee, staff members, presenters and all attendees for the best CLD yet!
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