The Power of One (Candidate)
Have you ever wondered what would happen if your chapter know-it-alls got the heck out of the way, opening the door to someone new?
We can tell you it worked out well for the Great Plains Chapter.
For two years, we were without a chair for the Public Relations Committee. No one was willing to take responsibility for the position.
Finally, last fall, our new President Brian Rawlings decided to try something different. He asked Trent Schneider, a bright, young and new member of our chapter,
At the next board of directors meeting, he enthusiastically presented several ideas he wanted to explore. To our credit, those of us who recognized some of the ideas as unsuccessful in the past refrained from saying, “Been there, tried that, didn’t work!” Trent was encouraged to explore his ideas and report back to the board at the next meeting. Little did we realize that we had unleashed a whirlwind of energy and positive thinking.
Thirty days later, Trent made a rather modest presentation to the board. Nevertheless many of us sat there with our jaws wide open. In one month, he had received more positive feedback from media contacts than we had received in three or four years. He presented his ideas, each of which brought a positive response from even the stodgiest members of the board.
Trent presented six ways the Great Plains Chapter could share The ASHI Experience with the community.
1. Sponsor a local real estate TV network show each Sunday morning. He got us two 30-second ads on each show for 13 weeks for only $70 per week. Who said advertising on TV has to be expensive? He took one of the ASHI PSAs, added a 10-second tag for our chapter, and VOILA! we were on TV.
2. Advertise in the Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors® (KCRAR) monthly newsletter. He arranged for a 1/2-page ad in this newsletter, which is sent to more than 7,000 real estate professionals as well as hundreds of loan and financial institutions, appraisers, title companies, home inspectors, and other companies associated with the real estate industry.
3. Sponsor a Cube ad on the Web site of the Kansas City Star. He arranged for the chapter to sponsor a cube ad, with a link to the chapter’s Web site, on the “Find a Home” feature of the area’s largest newspaper’s Web site. It receives thousands of hits each day.
4. Sponsor an e-mail newsletter. While discussing the print ads with KCRAR®. Trent learned they e-mail a monthly newsletter to their members. ASHI and the Great Plains Chapter could be listed as sponsors for that e-mail. The newsletter is linked to the KCRAR(r) Web site, which has a “News You Can Use” section that includes a link to the Great Plains Chapter’s Web site.
5. Exhibit at annual local Realtor® Show. Trent reserved one of The ASHI Experience booths for the Great Plains Chapter to use at the show, and he arranged for chapter members to work the booth. The chapter has strict dress and behavior standards for members working the booth. Coat and tie are recommended, only ASHI logo apparel may be worn (no individual company logos), and only ASHI material will be distributed (no individual company brochures or handouts).
6. Advertise in Friday Morning Flyers. Trent contacted a local company that distributes information to most of the larger real estate offices in the area. The chapter will prepare a series of ads to be distributed every other month. The Friday Morning Flyer reaches more than half of the real estate industry in the Kansas City area.
What an outstanding presentation! And all of this was done in about 30 days.
The Great Plains Board of Directors enthusiastically endorsed each of his recommendations. We are in the process of bringing them online as time and funds allow. We anticipate that every member of our chapter will greatly benefit from Trent’s efforts. Needless to say, we believe we are fortunate to have someone of Trent’s caliber serving our chapter.
Although Trent recently attained full Member status, he accomplished all of this as a Candidate. It’s amazing what can happen when you involve new blood in chapter leadership. Your chapter’s talent pool should not be limited to the old guard. We highly recommend welcoming and encouraging “new guys or gals.” Tap into their energy, enthusiasm and creativity! They may make as big a difference to your chapter as Trent has made to ours.
–by the Great Plains Chapter Leadership
MAC-ASHI Recognizes Important Step to Full Member Status
To encourage candidates to becoming full Members, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter recognizes those who have passed the National Home Inspectors Examination with a $100 monetary award. The awards are presented once a year. Henry (Sarge) Rorie and Daniel Blum were the most recent recipients.
Photo: ASHI Member Henry (Sarge) Rorie, Sliver Springs, Md., accepts congratulations and a check from the MAC-ASHI Chapter President Daniel Blum, Integrity Home Inspections Services, Washington, D.C., for passing the National Home Inspectors Examination.
Photo: MAC-ASHI Chapter President Daniel Blum, Integrity Home Inspection Services, Washington, D.C.m presents ASHI Candidate Ronald Black, R&B Home Services, Silver Springs, Md., with a check from the chapter to commemorate his passing the National Home Inspectors Examination.
Welcome Two New Chapters in Virginia
Greater Fredericksburg Area ASHI serves Fauguier, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Culpeper, Warren and Frederick counties. Chapter goals are to reach ASHI Members and Candidates who don’t currently attend chapter meetings; reach out to non-ASHI home inspectors; and, by collective marketing, reach real estate professionals with the message of ASHI superiority.
For more information on the chapter, contact Fred Reid at 703-328-5710 or e-mail at
Blue Ridge ASHI serves Charlottesville, Waynesboro and Harrisonburg cities; and Albemarle, Rockingham, Augusta, Greene, Nelson and Fluvanna counties. It will serve ASHI members who have difficulty attending other chapter meetings because of the geography of the Blue Ridge Mountains. For more information, contact Peter Drenan at 434-760-1380 or e-mail at
The membership can use the individual online membership profiles to update or add chapter affiliations.
Spidey Recommends ASHI Great Plains Chapter
ASHI Member Trent Schneider, Schneider Home Inspectors, Easton, Kan., arranged for Marvel Superhero Spiderman to help promote ASHI and the members of the
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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