The New ASHI School’s Classes in Action

by Michelle Santiago May 1, 2018

Have you ever wondered what an ASHI School class looks like? Well, these photos give you a peek into one of our classes that recently took place in Columbus, OH. ASHI School instructors Ken Harrington and Forrest Lines led the class.

Learning with your hands:
Students had an opportunity to touch, feel and identify the working parts of a gas-forced air furnace during the HVAC section of the class. As a group, the students and instructors discussed “must-find defects” that home inspectors should be able to identify.

Finding electrical defects: 
After completing the electrical portion of the curriculum, students test their skills by identifying the 10 must-find defects in each of the pre-wired electrical panels.

Checking comprehension:
Students show their grasp of the entire HVAC system—beginning with the furnace—by demonstrating to others their understanding of concepts taught by the instructors.

Working individually, in pairs and as a group: 
Students work in pairs during the hands-on exercises. For evaluation, the instructors give each student his or her own grade according to how many defects the student correctly identifies. After the exercises, the students convene for a group discussion about the must-find defects, how to communicate these defects in reports, by whom repairs should be performed and when repairs should be completed.

The faces in these photos show how enjoyable learning can be when you take a class with The ASHI School. You’ll get to know knowledgeable instructors, have the opportunity to get to know others in your field, and become more familiar with the ins and outs of home inspection.

Check out The ASHI School website at For a class that appeals to you as a new inspector, as a refresher or as a way to include an ancillary service to your business. And if you have ideas to share or questions about The ASHI School or our website, please contact me at

We look forward to seeing you at The ASHI School—online or in person!

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