The Chapter in the Brand

Do you hold membership in an ASHI Chapter?  If you do, you might wonder why only about half our total membership does. If you don’t, we believe you’re missing out on something important. With 80 chapters and requests for new charters at almost every Board meeting, there are few if any sections of the country without a chapter. And that’s important because your local chapter is the best place to learn about and take advantage of exciting things coming your way with the ASHI Brand.

Chapters empowered

As we assemble the crucial elements of the ASHI Experience, our brand, working
with and through chapters becomes a priority. Chapters are the lifeblood of the organization. They are truly the heart of the Society, but they remain an untapped resource of communication and support. We will look to our chapters to facilitate media placements and marketing advertisements of the ASHI Experience in local coverage areas. ASHI will harness the strong reputation of our chapters to spread the word about the ASHI Experience to consumers, thereby directing traffic to local ASHI Inspectors who can provide the brand. Chapters will prepare inspectors to deliver the ASHI Experience by providing mentoring and ride-along programs, examination study groups, customer service and business operations seminars, and local marketing assistance and tools. Chapters will be empowered to make the brand a success.

Must have resources

To do so, chapters must have funding and volunteer resources. The ASHI Board is considering a proposal to allocate dues funding to each chapter based on the number of members in its area. Regardless of whether or not this specific proposal is approved, funding and increased participation in ASHI chapters is fundamental to the success of the ASHI Experience. Your membership and participation in the local chapter will help fund these important programs, and you will benefit as a result, regardless if you are a full Member or a Candidate.

Boon for Candidates

Our research shows that the more involved Candidates are with their local chapters, the quicker they become full Members. As was previously announced, the Board agreed that full Members and Candidates with Logo use privileges will be able to participate in the ASHI Experience. If you are working toward your full Member status, you owe it to yourself to get involved with your ASHI Chapter now. Go to the meetings, meet with other inspectors, volunteer to help, attend the business and technical sessions. Your commitment to and support of the chapter translates into your own success.

Get involved

Full Members benefit from chapter membership as well. I can’t tell you how many times I hear of business being referred to one Member from another because of mutual respect developed during their chapter interactions.

Chapter meetings listed

Go to pages 52-53 in the Reporter to find the chapter meeting nearest you. Consider joining – plan to attend. Are you aware ASHI offers a $30 discount on your chapter dues if you are joining for the first time? Ask the chapter president about the program and sign up. If you’d like us to put you in contact with your local chapter and the $30 discount program, we’d be happy to do so. Call Bob Kociolek at 847-954-3177, or contact him via e-mail at He’d welcome the opportunity to help you.

Chapters have always been the heart of the Society; now we’re counting on them to be the heart of the ASHI Brand as well. Don’t miss out on being a part of this exciting development.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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