The ASHI School After You Graduate
So, now you have graduated and are on the path to become a home inspector. What are the next steps you need to take?
Are you running into roadblocks getting your career off the ground?
With so much information that you need to review, digest, discard or implement, how do you just get out there and do what you have been trained to do—INSPECT HOMES?
The ASHI School offers many benefits and resources for graduates to assist them with their new career in home inspection.
Use the list below to check off the steps you have already done and to highlight those you still may need to do:
- Complete a comprehensive course in home inspection offered by The ASHI School.
- Study for the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE), referencing the NHIE reference manual and study guide. Register to take the NHIE.
- Start building your business website with the free software offered to all graduates of The ASHI School.
- Remember to use the nationally recognized ASHI School Graduate logo on all of your marketing materials and website.
- Sign up for your free computer software for professional report writing offered by The ASHI School and become familiar with using it by inspecting your own home and the homes of your friends and relatives.
- Write up to three (3) reports and forward them to The ASHI School. At no expense to you, a qualified verifier will review your reports and highlight possible areas of concern.
- Join your local chapter of ASHI and start to network with seasoned inspectors.
- Make yourself available if and when a
seasoned inspector offers to take you for
a ride-along. - If you live in a state that requires licensing for home inspectors, confirm that you have met all the necessary requirements with staff in the appropriate state government office.
- Drop off your business cards at local offices of Realtors.® Be sure let them know you are a member of ASHI and a graduate of The ASHI School.
These steps cannot be done overnight! Pace yourself and reach out to ASHI or The ASHI School if you have any questions or concerns.
Remember that you can retake The ASHI School prelicense Home Inspection Course at no charge if you feel you need to brush up on certain systems. You can retake the entire class or just sit in on certain days when systems or topics about which you want to refresh yourself are being taught.
ASHI and The ASHI School wish you the very best in your endeavors!
If you have any questions, contact The ASHI School team at 888-884-0440, email
Upcoming Classes at The ASHI School:
March 7–18, 2016
Baltimore, MD – NEW LOCATION!
Columbus, OH
Des Plaines, IL
St. Louis, MO
March 28–April 8, 2016
Lakewood, CO
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.