The ASHI Experience New Advertising

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2004

Print and Radio Ads: Where to find them. How to use them.

One of the major ways to communicate the new ASHI brand, The ASHI Experience, is through print and radio advertising. As an ASHI Experience inspector, you can access these new ads via the new ASHI Web site. These ads can be customized for use by chapters or by Members and Candidates with Logo Use as soon as they are part of the program.

The New Ads

Why is it important for you to use these new ads? These ads were developed after much research, specifically talking to customers, both consumers and real estate 8x11_4cBath.gif professionals, and the ASHI Membership. This research and in-depth discussions led us to develop the central theme of the new ASHI brand, which we are calling The ASHI Experience. The new brand recognizes and affirms the role of ASHI’s standards and ethics as central to the success of each Member’s business. It also recognizes the value that exemplary service brings to a customer relationship. And in today’s business world, building relationships via exemplary service is the way we believe ASHI Members and Candidates with Logo Use can gain a real business advantage in the marketplace.

Rather than having each chapter or individual Member attempt to interpret The ASHI Experience in the form of advertising, ASHI is making these ads available to all those who qualify so we can all communicate the same message in a unified way. And these ads use the new, trademarked ASHI advertising tag line, We Speak House.

Radio ads are humorous spots that will gain attention in the market. These new consumer radio spots direct consumers to the new ASHI Web site to help them find an inspector. Each spot is produced as a 60-second commercial, and it allows for a 10-second tag at the end.

We have several key target audiences to convince and have many print avenues, to choose from. So, we developed two sets of print ads. One is directed at consumers, and the other set is directed at real estate professionals. But we didn’t stop there because we knew it would be essential to give you a variety of  ads. In each set of ads, you will have access to both color and black and white versions. And each set of ads also will have four different sizes.

One of the consumer ads (see above) shows a bathroom, seemingly in good order, but with problems nonetheless. The ad suggests that the best way to have peace of mind about your home purchase is to find an ASHI Member who will help provide professional expertise and exemplary customer service. 

The real estate ad directly addresses the concern of a real estate professional who wants to be assured the home inspection process will not tarnish, but enhance his or her reputation. The answer is to use an ASHI Member only.

Where to find the new ads

The ASHI Experience radio and print ads can be accessed on the new ASHI Web site at The ads are in the Members’ Only section. The radio ads are in an MP3 format ready to be downloaded from the Web site. You also will find the consumer and real estate professional ads, both in color and black and white, and in various sizes. The ASHI Web site also contains instructions on how to customize the ads for either chapter or individual use. These ads were created via a Mac Quark™ program, and while you can view them with a Windows™ PC, you will need to supply the files to a Mac user in order customize them (more on how to customize the ads in the next section). If you do not have access to the Web, ASHI Headquarters can supply you with a disc of the ads and instructions on how to customize them. 

How best to use the new ads

The primary purpose of the ads is to direct potential customers to the ASHI Web site, where the customer will be able to locate an ASHI Member via the newly designed Find An Inspector area on the web. You can see the ads have been designed to highlight the ASHI Web site address. In the case of use by chapters or an individual ASHI Member, the ads will allow for two areas of the ad to be customized to fit either a chapter’s or an individual’s “call to action” copy, in the form of a telephone number, an e-mail address or a Web site. These ads are designed to help you get business and can be run in virtually any type of publication.

For example, they are well-suited to run in an agent’s or broker’s newsletter or a statewide or county real estate publication. The ads could run in a local area home show program or even in a high school sports program. And they could be used as reprints or flyers, with the backside of the flyer providing more detailed information on an ASHI Member’s business. A flyer could be modified by season to provide tips pertaining to that season or other special situations.

The ads are formatted for easy viewing on the Web and, can easily be downloaded for customization by a printer or a newspaper. This will be fully explained to you on the ASHI Web site.

Take the steps necessary to qualify to use these ads. Become an ASHI Member or Candidate with Logo Use and pay your branding invoice as soon as you receive it to gain access to all that The ASHI Experience has to offer.

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