Wow! Here it is the end of November, and I am writing my final article for the January 2010 Reporter. Hard to believe it has been a year since you elected me as your president. This has been a memorable year for me, getting to travel, meeting members and speaking at chapter events. It has reinforced my belief that ASHI has some of the greatest people I’ve ever met in its ranks.
The quality of the leadership, dedication of volunteers and commitment of members is gratifying to see. I saw that the underlying passion we all have is in service to our clients. We get a feeling from helping our clients know what they are getting into with their new homes. I also saw how important education is to the members I met.
I’m proud of what your Board of Directors accomplished this year. It put in place new programs that will help our members earn additional income. It approved several new member benefit programs. It created the ASHI Foundation and ASHI Education Inc., entities that will benefit the profession, society and members. Of course, these accomplishments would not have been possible without the work of ASHI’s dedicated and loyal staff.
I cannot thank enough our staff, led by Executive Director Jeff Arnold, for all it has done. The staff helped make my term go smoothly. Jeff is keeping the organization running with a bare minimum of staff, yet he makes sure a live person answers the phones. He and staff place member services as their priority. He also makes sure the Board’s directives are accomplished. I think all members should take the time to thank our staff for the great job it does.
I want to thank all the chapters and their members whom I visited for the housing, meals and transport services they treated me to. Several chapter members gave up their own time to pick me up and take me back to the airport. Everyone made sure I was taken care of. I made some new friends and will stay in contact with them.
I want to thank all those who served on committees for their work. They usually meet by conference call at night. They give up their family time to do ASHI business. I want to thank the Board members for the time they spent away from their families. I thank them for the productive meetings we had and the progressive initiatives they voted on. I thank the officers for all the time they spent away from their families. The officers have had many conference calls; again, mostly at night. When you have volunteers scattered across the country some of them have very late calls.
I want to thank my wife, Angela, for giving me the support to dedicate so much family time to ASHI. She never complained about the phone calls at all hours, the hours at the computer or the traveling. I know it was not easy to share me with ASHI, but she did. She helped with everything I did and always asked what else I needed. My term would not have been possible without her support and understanding.
The group I owe the biggest thanks is to you, the individual members. Without your confidence that I would do well as your president, I would not be here. I want to thank all of you for allowing me to experience a great year as your president. This has been an experience I will cherish forever. Thanks for the memories. I hope my year has met with your approval; you all put a lot of faith and trust in me to lead the association. I feel I honored that faith and trust. Thank you all.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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