Take Advantage of These Special Training Opportunities

by Edited by ASHI Staff August 1, 2013


January 12, 2014, IW Nashville’s Opening Night Reception kicks off the
expo and 3-day educational program. IW’s new expanded schedule gives you
more bang for your buck. Why not arrive early and stay later to obtain
additional training and certification. More pre-conference course
offerings have been added this year. Pre-conference training will begin
on Saturday, January 11 with additional courses offered on Sunday,
January 12. The post-conference course Commercial Building Inspections
will be held again on January 16, 17 and 18.

  • Registration to a pre-conference course does not include access to the 3-day IW education program January 13-15, 2014.
  • Each pre-conference course has its own separate tuition.
  • Tuition for courses held on Sunday, January 12th includes: continental
    breakfast (served 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m.), lunch hour “on-your-own” with
    dining options nearby in the hotel, and complimentary admission to the
    Expo Hall Opening Night Reception (5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.).
  • On-line registration begins September 1, 2013.

Pre-Conference Courses:

Saturday, January 11th, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (8-hours)

  • FORTIFIED Home™ Certified Evaluator Course Training

    to be provided by the FORTIFIED Home™ Training Program Administrator, 
    Architectural Testing, and IBHS.  Certified Home Evaluators provide
    essential inspection and documentation services to homeowners
    seeking to make their homes stronger, safer and more durable in the
    face of specific natural hazards. Approved for 8 ASHI CEs.

Sunday, January 12th, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Monday
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (16-hours)

  • •Electrical Inspection of Existing Dwellings presented by Douglas Hansen
    exciting two-day program for inspectors, Douglas Hansen, principal
    author of the Code Check series of field guides, will use the newest
    edition of Electrical Inspection of Existing Dwellings as a guide to
    locate the specific NEC sections that apply to home inspections and will
    explore many topics in depth, including grounding and bonding, panels,
    AFCIs, GFCIs and special equipment. Approved for 16 ASHI CEs. (Add more
    education sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday with Single-Day (6 CEs)

Sunday, January 12th, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (4-hours)

  • HomeInspectIR™ Training presented by
    Peter Hopkins, Level III Certified Infrared Thermographer

    by popular demand – Hands-on training for students wanting to learn
    about the use of infrared thermography in insulation, HVAC, moisture and
    electrical inspections. Cameras will be used to look at test set-ups
    for each application. Approved for 4 ASHI CEs.

Sunday, January 12th, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (8-hours)

  • The HVAC Certificate Course presented by Kenny Hart, ACI and Mike Casey, ACI
    of lectures throughout the day by two nationally recognized
    instructors, the course includes up close examination of numerous HVAC
    exhibits that will be on-site during the class. Focus will be on gas
    furnace operation, installation and field inspection as well as
    conditioning and heat pump systems. System components are shown and
    their function is explained
    in detail. Approved for 8 ASHI CEs.

Post-Conference Course:

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 16th, 17th and 18th, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (24-hours)

  • Commercial Building Inspection Course presented by Richard Weldon, P. Eng.
    this popular three-day course, a professional engineer will teach
    students all they need to know to get a commercial inspection business
    up and running. Commercial inspections can generate up to 80% more
    revenue than residential inspections in an equivalent amount of time.
    Registration and payment for this course will be handled through the
    ASHI School website www.theashischool.com.
    Tuition includes a textbook,
    as well as sample inspection reports, consultant reports, and
    information on quoting inspections, report writing, costing and relevant
    business issues. Approved for 24 ASHI CEs.

Contact Michele George at micheleg@ashi.org or (847) 954-3188 with questions.

For more information visit: http://www.homeinspector.org/email_documents/nashville_iw2.pdf

ASHI InspectionWorld – Nashville January 12-15, 2014

Education Program Schedule – by Day
Select one session to attend from five sessions offered at each class time indicated. Please be prompt.
Note: Schedule begins and ends earlier on Wednesday.

Monday, January 13, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

  1. Basic Electric 2014 – Don’t Be Shocked – Bryck Guibor, ACI and Harris Breit, ACI
  2. Code Official – Paul Andreassen, ACI
  3. Combustion Safety Testing – Steve Wisdom, ACI
  4. Electrical Theory – Mike Twitty, ACI
  5. Home Inspector / Realtor Relationship, Kimberly

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  1. Understanding and Inspecting Hydronic (Boiler) Heating – Tom Feiza, ACI, P.E., BSME
  2. To be Safe or Not to be Safe, That is the Question –
    Jim Nemastil, ACI and Marko Vovk, ACI
  3. Menace in the Mechanicals – Jeffrey C. May
  4. The Benefits of Becoming a Lead Dust Sampling Technician – Chuck Faigle
  5. Keys to Successfully Manage a Home Inspection Business – Howard Snyder

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

  1. Recognizing Structural Warning Signs – Todd Duncan, P.E.
  2. EIFS, Stucco and Stone Update – Peter Engle, ACI, P.E.
  3. Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation – Joe Konopacki
  4. ASHI Standard Pre-Drywall Inspections – Bruce Barker, ACI
  5. Social Media Marketing for Home Inspectors – Nathan Thornberry

Tuesday, January 14, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

  1. What the Heck is That? Components found during an
    Inspection – Mike Casey ACI
  2. Inspecting Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses &
    Engineered Wood Products – John Bouldin, PE
  3. Rules for Water Heaters – Steve Wisdom, ACI
  4. Fortified Home Evaluations: An Introduction – Bill York
  5. Risk Management for Home Inspectors – Vince Tecce, ACI

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  1. Flat Roofs – Gerry Aubrey, ACI
  2. Inspecting Old Houses-Why They Don’t Build Them Like They Used To – David Rushton, ACI
  3. Residential Energy Code Inspections (IECC 2012) – Jim Hemsell, ACI
  4. Taking the Mystery out of Manufactured Homes – Jeff Donaldson, ACI
  5. Move Your Business to the Next Level (7 Levels of Communication) Scott Warga, ACI

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

  1. Understanding and Resolving Foundation Issues – Shannon Cory, ACI
  2. Deadly Differences – Ionization vs. Photoelectric Smoke Alarms – Skip Walker, ACI
  3. Indoor Air Quality Testing During a Home Inspection – Martin L. Spartz, Ph.D.
  4. Pool and Spa Inspections – Stephen Gladstone, ACI
  5. Using Integrated Inspection Technologies to Make You More Money – Dominic Maricic

Wednesday, January 15, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

  1. Heat Pumps and Dual Fuel Systems – Kenny Hart, ACI
  2. Inspection of Decks – John Bouldin, Ph.D.
  3. Inspecting with all Your Senses – Howard Maxfield, ACI
  4. Reserve Fund Studies – Diversify Today! – Richard Weldon, P.E.
  5. Improved Report Writing Improves Your Business – Miki Mertz, ACI

10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

  1. Crawl Space & Floor Structure Defects: Recognition, Causes and Cures – Samuel Wood, ACI, P.E.
  2. Inspecting a Tile Roof – Moderate Climate, Snow and Cold, High Winds/Florida – John Jensen
  3. Residential Moisture Intrusion, Building Science, and Forensic Investigation – Jim Nemastil, ACI and Marko Vovk, ACI
  4. How to Deal with Mold in Houses You are Inspecting – Frank Libero, ACI
  5. Tax Strategies for the Self-Employed Home Inspector – Maine Shafer, JD

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

  1. Proper Installation of Sewer, Plumbing Vent and Water Heater – Daniel McLaughlin
  2. Chimney Inspections per the NFPA 211 – John Pilger
  3. Wind-Resistant Construction Inspection – Mark Cramer, ACI
  4. Radon Health Effects, Sources, Measurement Methods and Testing Protocols – Andreas George
  5. Turn Your Website into a Call-Generating Machine – Dominic Maricic


ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,405
Inspectors/Logo: 83
Associates: 1,603
Retired Members: 114
Affiliates: 56
Total: 5,261

JD & Sean.jpg

members JD Grewell and his son-in-law, Sean Troxell, on the job site.
JD and Sean work for JD Grewell & Associates, Silver Spring, MD.

The ASHI Family Photos

you have a family member who is also an ASHI home inspector? A son? A
nephew? A brother-in-law? A sister? If so, then send us a photo of the
two of you together for the ASHI Reporter along with your names, locales
and company names so that we can include you in an upcoming issue.
Please email your photos to our graphic designer, Arlene Zapata, at
ArleneZ@ASHI.org. 

Nominating Committees Invite Members to Submit Their Names for Consideration

2014 Officers: The Officers Nominating Committee will accept matrices from ASHI Certified Inspectors (ACIs) who would like to be slated by the committee for an officer’s position for 2014.

ACIs interested in being a candidate for the office of president-elect, vice
president, secretary or treasurer are invited to download the ASHI 2014
Officer Nomination Matrix from:
https://www.homeinspector.org/membersonly/downloads/listing.aspx and
follow the directions for submitting it.

2014 Directors: Each year
five new ACIs and an alternate are elected to the Board of Directors by
the Council of Representatives. Requirements for being considered are
covered on the ASHI 2014 Director Nomination Matrix. ACIs who would like
to be slated should download the form from:
https://www.homeinspector.org/membersonly/downloads/listing.aspx and
follow the directions for submitting it.

To review the nominating and election policies and procedures, read the ASHI Policy and Procedures Manual, section 15. 

Get More Bang for Your Buck – New Affiliate Levels
been working hard to find more ways in which to get your name out in
front of our members. As an Affiliate Member, we provided a few ways in
which you could do just that. Though we’ve decided to take it a step
further with more opportunities than ever before to reach our ASHI
Instead of just the Affiliate Basic and Affiliate Gold levels, we’re now offering three distinct levels: Affiliate Bronze ($1,000), Affiliate Silver ($2,000), and Affiliate Gold ($3,000).
Call or email us today for more information to Dave Kogan, Manager of Marketing
& Business Development, at 847.954.3187 or davek@ashi.org. Or feel
free to contact Russell Daniels, VP of Membership, at russelld@ashi.org
or Janet George at janetg@ashi.org. 

Renew to Compete for Free IW Registration

should have received your ASHI dues renewal notice in July. Plan to
renew as soon as possible. The names of those who renew by September 1,
2013 will be placed in a drawing to receive one of three full
registrations for InspectionWorld-Nashville. Details will be included
with the dues notices. 

Nominate Those Who Deserve Awards

Phillip C. Monahon Award goes to an ASHI Certified Inspector who has
made outstanding contributions to the society and the profession over a
long period of time. Take some time to think about who might deserve the
award this year, then download and submit the nomination form.
John E. Cox Award is ASHI’s annual tribute to a member whose service to a
chapter has been exemplary. If someone from your chapter deserves this
award, download the form, discuss it with your chapter members and
Nominations for both awards must be received by Oct. 1, 2013. 

Dues Increase
June 13, 2013 the ASHI Board of Directors approved a dues increase of
$25 for ASHI Certified Members. The last increase was over four years
ago and costs have gone up significantly since then. The national
average Cost of LIving Adjustment increase was approximately 11%.
Fortunately, we’ve been able to hold down costs well below that. As
always, we strive to give our members the biggest bang for the buck.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support. 


To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

Learn More About Membership »

In this Issue

Professional Networking

Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.