Straight Talk for Consumers and Real Estate Practitioners

by Edited by ASHI Staff September 1, 2006

New brochure Your Home Inspection Questions Answered now available in English and in Spanish

In response to requests from the membership, ASHI now offers a marketing/educational brochure that can be used by Candidates and Members to provide in two languages direct, easy-to-understand answers to the following questions: 

What is a home inspection?

Why do I need a home inspection?

What does a home inspection include?

How much will it cost?

Why can’t I do it myself?

Can a house fail an inspection?

How do I find a home inspector?

What is ASHI?

Who belongs to ASHI?

When do I call a home inspector?

Do I have to be there?

What if the report reveals problems?

If the house proves to be in good condition, do I really need an inspection?

The four-color, tri-fold brochure is available with and without the ASHI logo, making it suitable for use by Candidates and Members. It fits in a #10 envelope and in
display racks and is ready to be mailed or handed out to prospects, clients, at home shows or real estate practitioner presentations.

The Spanish version of the brochure joins the new ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as part of ASHI’s efforts to better serve a fast-growing
segment of the homebuying public.

Visit the ASHI store to order a supply of this new, effective marketing tool.

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