State Sessions Wind to a Close, But Don’t Let Your Guard Down
By the end of this month, 36 state legislatures will be out of session for the year, meaning that legislative activity will be halted until 2007. By the end of June, four more will be adjourned. Until that time, stay on guard for any surprises, either in introduced legislation or in legislation introduced at the last minute. Check with ASHI’s Legislative Action Center for updates. What’s more, if your chapter has a lobbyist, stay in touch, and stay in touch with your elected officials as well. Let them know who you are, what you do and how interested you are in any legislation that affects inspectors.
Walk-along inspections added to ASHI’s ARELLO presence
Not all opportunities for influencing legislation take place in state capitals. Marvin Goldstein, ASHI Legislative Committee co-chair; George Harper, Legislative Committee member (also representing CREIA); and Bob Kociolek, ASHI director of chapter relations & state affairs, represented ASHI at the Association of Real Estate License Law Organizations Home Inspector (ARELLO) Roundtable in Jacksonville, Fla., April 6-7.
ARELLO is an important and influential group of regulators, and ASHI has had a longstanding relationship with the group. The group looks to us for expert information on the profession. This year’s roundtable schedule includes
sessions on ethics, high-stakes exams, and realtor/consumer expectations, just to name a few.
The highlight of the meeting will be walk-along inspections for regulators sponsored by ASHI and conducted by Charles Gifford, ASHI director and Jacksonville native. As we went to press, 20 regulators were registered to participate! What better way to educate regulators than by taking them on an
Look for a full report and pictures in the next Reporter!
ASHI Member serves on state board
ASHI Member Joseph A. Pasaturo, PE, Long Island Chapter, was appointed by Governor George Pataki to serve on the newly created Home Inspectors Advisory Council for the State of New York. According to the state home inspection licensing law, which took effect January 1, a council of three home inspectors and three public members appointed by the Governor will advise the Secretary of State on all matters concerning the newly passed law. Pasaturo also serves on the New York State Board of Engineering and Land Surveying.”
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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