Standards and Code Available in Spanish
Las Normas de Práctica Profesional y el Código de Ética de la Sociedad Americana de Inspectores de Viviendas are now available.
A set of standards can be crucial for a person trying to understand what a home inspection is, and the ASHI Standards of Practice can now meet that need for Spanish-speaking consumers, just as they’ve been doing for English-speaking consumers for the past 28 years. A Spanish version is now available on the ASHI Web site in PDF, and is also available in print from the ASHI store. ASHI is pleased to be able to help the membership offer better service to its Spanish-speaking clients.
Thirty-six chapters receive supplementary funding
Thirty-six chapters got their supplementary funding applications in on time. The Chapter Relations Committee reviewed the applications according to the guidelnes, and awarded all the chapters a total of $73,700. Most of the applications mentioned using Buz Buzogany, SAVVY-Strategic Resource Partners, LLC, as the agent of record for their advertising plans.
Savvy answers questions for free
If your chapter hasn’t taken advantage of SAVVY’s services, it’s missing out. ASHI has contracted with the media specialist through this fall to take questions from chapters regarding existing media plans, or to help begin the planning process by outlining basic questions regarding the chapter’s target market. Additional services are available for a fee. To take advantage of this limited opportunity to enlist the services of a professional, contact SAVVY at or 847-749-4012.
Could your chapter use some cash?
Only 30 chapters have applied for this year’s The ASHI Experience funding. If you’re curious about what can be done with these funds, take a look at the Rocky Mountain Chapter’s new Web site,
Bob Kociolek, director of chapter relations/state affairs, says, “We still have $94,000 to distribute to the remaining chapters. What are you waiting for? Does your chapter have its plans in place for marketing The ASHI Experience? If so, could the chapter use some cash to deliver more business to its members? We want those approval forms rolling in.”
Get started now. Download grant instructions from the ASHI Web site. Questions about funding? Contact Bob Kociolek, 847-954-3177 or
Leadership training available to chapters
Bob Kociolek is available to conduct a limited number of Chapter Leadership Training Workshops free on request. The two-hour training session is designed to prepare future local leaders. He will travel to your location if 10-15 or more attendees are guaranteed. Neighboring chapters can combine efforts for a larger attendance. Interested? Contact Bob, 847-954-3177 or He is scheduling on a first-come first-served basis.
E-newsletters receive warm welcome
The morning after the first The Inspector e-news for ASHI Candidates was sent out there were 26 e-mails waiting for ASHI Membership Administrator Allison Dziewior, the author of the lead article, “Report
verification myths and tips.” Candidates wanted to submit reports for pre-verification or verification or were asking about the next step after their reports were verified as meeting the ASHI Standards of Practice.
The Inspector for ASHI Members and Candidates with logo use was also well received. Unfortunately close to 500 Candidates and Members never received their e-news because of invalid e-mail addresses. If you’re one of those who is missing out but would like to be included, it’s easy — notify HQ of your current e-mail address today.
Membership good news
Membership numbers as of June 14, 2005
Members: 3,399
Candidates with Logo Use: 176
Candidates: 2,108
Retired Members: 72
Affiliate Members: 82
Administrative Suspension: 104
ASHI Board Meeting and Town hall gathering scheduled for St. Louis
ASHI membership in the St. Louis area is invited to attend both the ASHI board meeting and a town hall gathering on July 15-16 at the Sheraton City Center Downtown. Mark the dates on your calendar and watch for details.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.