St. Louis Chapter Holds Peer Review Home Inspection
St. Louis ASHI held its second annual Peer Review Inspection on May 29, 2009. The Chapter’s Board of Directors and Past-ASHI President, Don Norman, who chairs the St. Louis Chapter Education Committee, served as judges and provocateurs. The event was loosely modeled after the Great Lakes and North Carolina Peer Reviews, but St. Louis has chosen thus far to keep the process informal and more of a round-table discussion of defects over lunch, using photographs taken by the judging panel.
Chapter President David Birenbaum, P.E., stated, “The most difficult challenge in holding this event is not finding a home to inspect or even finding defects, it’s limiting the discussion to those items that are most important. Like most discussions with home inspectors, the group could philosophize for hours regarding items to report and how that information would best be presented to a client.”
Chapter members agree that this event is the best training exercise for inspectors of any skill level.
Photo and article submitted by David M. Birenbaum, P.E., St. Louis Chapter president
North Central ohio Chapter – Kickin’ cancer in the ASHI
On Sunday, June 7, 2009, eight members of the North Central Ohio ASHI Chapter, along with their 36 friends and family members, participated in the “Race for the Place – 2009” as part of team “Kickin’ Cancer in the ASHI.”
This was a fundraiser and a 5k or 1-mile run/walk for The Gathering Place in Cleveland, Ohio. The Gathering Place is a local non-profit organization that supports people touched by cancer of any type and their families at no cost. As a chapter, we raised $2,730 in just three weeks and had our own t-shirts printed for the event. We proudly stood out in our bright pink shirts in a sea of blue shirts that were provided to all 3,500 participants. We were told that if there was an award for best team name, we would have won.
The following chapter members participated in the event: Steve Conrad, Thomas Gaba, Craig Haas, Matt Herchick, James Jagger, Paul Morgan, Phillip Wells, Rod Whittington. Several other NCO-ASHI Chapter members donated to our team, but could not participate in the event.
Information submitted by Thomas Gaba.
Western Washington Spring Conference
Photo: Blair Pruitt introduces the ASHI Western Washington Peer Review Program to the membership.
Eighty-plus home inspectors attended the Western Washington Spring Conference June 6, 2009, at the Best Western Hotel in Tacoma, Washington.
The chapter hoped the conference would increase interest in monthly meetings and educational opportunities in the southwestern section of the state. Attendees came from as far away as Vancouver, Asotin, Wash., and Portland, Ore.
The conference opened with a chapter meeting during which Blair Pruitt introduced the new Peer Review Program, and Hugh Kelso presented the revised chapter Bylaws for membership approval, which passed with a unanimous vote.
Photo: Rhonda Myers, DOL Program Manager for Home Inspectors, presented licensure requirements to the 80 in attendance.
Photo: Larry Miller, Seattle Roof Advisors, informs the home inspectors about the four basic types of roofing.
Education Chair Darrell Marsolais organized the seminar, with speakers including Rhonda Myers, Program Manager for the State of Washington Home Inspector Licensing Division, speaking on the new regulations and licensing requirements required by September 1st of this year. Howard Maxfield, chapter president, held a review session for the NHIE exam, required of all inspectors prior to September 1st. The afternoon presentation was by Larry Miller of Seattle Roof Advisors on the four basic types of roofing, their installation, maintenance, issues to look for while inspecting and typical installation costs.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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